I have an ANET A2 Prusa - which I've setup and performed a few prints on and they have various problems with the quality. I'm after some specific experience on what the flow of filament should look like or if my decription triggers someone
I've been adjusting settings - In particular the temperature - as the filament seemed too fluid as I could easily cause a large spurt of molten plastic by manually pushing the filament with very little effort.
So I reduced the head temperature to 195 and all seemed better
However after a time - I noticed on a longer print that the feeding was sometimes failing with the filament jerking back as the feeder slipped off it
The stepper did not appear to slip back just the gear skipped on the filament It appeared to cause a problem in the print with a few of the lines being missing before it started extruding normally again
I increased the temperature back to 200 - however the issue continued intermittently however I left it and when I returned the head had become blocked with the final part of the succesful print consisting of very thin hair like extrusions and eventually stopping completely
The head is flooded and I need to clean it out
So my questions are - how runny should the filament look when the head is at the correct temperatures, is the extremely runny filament I saw at 200 obviously too hot - or is that normal or at least have people seen it looking like that when successfully printing?
Initially , before I reduced the temperature, I doubled the skirt and that seem to make a good enough print
Does anyone have experience of why it can seem to be printing but then slowly start failing until the head becomes blocked?