I've tried to remix this model: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:90933 (Bauhaus chess set) by scaling it down and inserting little magnet holes into the pieces' underside. My SCAD file looks as follows:
difference() {
scale([0.5,0.5,0.5]) import("Bauhaus2Set.stl");
translate([ 6, 11 ,0]) cylinder(h=20.5,r=2.5,center=true,$fn=20); // WTH?
// King/Queen
translate([ 6, 11 ,0]) cylinder(h=3.5,r=2.5,center=true,$fn=20);
translate([-6, 11 ,0]) cylinder(h=3.5,r=2.5,center=true,$fn=20);
// Rooks
translate([ 6,-11.5,0]) cylinder(h=3.5,r=2.5,center=true,$fn=20);
translate([-6,-11.5,0]) cylinder(h=3.5,r=2.5,center=true,$fn=20);
Note the third line with "WTH?" - I've done quite some trial-and-error, and if I remove that line, then I don't get any subtracted holes anymore when I render the whole thing (F6). In preview (F5), the holes are always present, but in the final render, I need to include the larger subtracted cylinder or it won't work.
The STL file seems to be fine in itself, what's going on here?