I recently leveled my bed on my Monoprice Select Mini v2 and tried printing this object with family:
Pentagonal Hexacontahedron Bracelet by mathgrrl - Thingiverse
The symptoms were as follows:
- the print footings did not stick to the bed
- during the print some of the footings looked misshapen
- Eventually everything lost cohesion and looked like a mess of silly string
- the insulating tape on the heating block started to come off
Immediately after the insulating tape came off we aborted the print.
Here are the steps we followed to convert, slice and print the object.
- We loaded the STL file into Ultimaker Cura 4.8.0, using a preset in the wizard for the Monoprice Select Mini v2
- We opened the STL for the small bracelet, chose ‘Slice’, and copied the resulting .gcode to a microSD.
- We popped the SD into the printer, preheated the nozzle and extruded a small amount of PLA (we used the PLA for a demo print of a cat hours earlier and it worked great for the demo)
- We went to print and chose the .gcode for the small bracelet and let it start to operate.
- The heating settings for the bracelet .gcode from Cura were a bit different different than those used for the demo cat .gcode that came with the machine. Both had the nozzle heated to 190 °C. The bed heating setting for the bracelet was 5 degrees hotter than the cat at 65 °C.
Any tips are appreciated. I don’t know what happened or if it possible to print this object successfully with the Monoprice Select Mini v2.