
Can I mix BIGTREETECH S42B closed loop stepper drivers on the MKS Gen L controller board with other drivers?

Are the pins in the same position? Would mixing work?


1 Answer 1


As far as I know, that should work. You need to define the correctly used drivers in your configuration. For the closed loop drivers, the board (via a break out board) has to provide the pulses to the motor driver (on the back of the stepper). If you use such a closed loop driver you need to disable the stepper driver type in your Configuration.h file for those you plan to insert a closed loop driver. The firmware will assume the A4988 driver is being used:

enter image description here

Now you need to set high enough values for the MAXIMUM_STEPPER_RATE (150000):

enter image description here


enter image description here

in Marlin/src/inc/Conditionals_adv.h under HAS_DRIVER(4988).

  • $\begingroup$ Hi Oscar, thank you very much! I got a gd deal on some mks tmc2208 and an skr 1.3; couldn't get a deal on closed loops :/ will report bck. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 16, 2021 at 16:42

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