Specs: Printer Configuration: Delta Firmware: Marlin 2.x Probe: Conductive nozzle (Verified repeatable 0.01 mm accuracy)
I'm working on calibrating my delta printer to 0.01 mm +/- 0.02 accuracy. Every guide I see either says "run G33 that should be good enough" (news flash it isn't lol) or they reference this Advanced Delta Calibration tool.
Which relies on your filament/nozzle diameter/flow rate/temperature to all be exactly precise (which isn't physically possible if we're talking about differences small enough to affect dimension calculations in some way).
I'm essentially looking for a precision tuning guide for a "delta robot with a probe" rather than one for a "delta 3D printer". Does a guide like this exist?
If not, maybe you guys have calculations that may help. Right now I'm working on tower angles and individual rod offsets using this script.
It probes towers and opposite towers in the order of: Z-ZY-Y-YX-X-XZ-Center.
With a loosely leveled bed (+/- 0.05 mm @ towers) and a G33 P2
I get probe values:
Z: -0.08
ZY: -0.21
Y: -0.01
YX 0.23
X: 0.02
XZ: -0.66
C: 0.01
Which is essentially a "tilted pringle" shape which can be visualized here with this input.
Just wondering what to do about inaccuracies in the diagonals. Is there a formula for tower angle/rod length based on probe points? And if not is there a more accurate way of doing this that doesn't involve printing something?