I'm trying to print with ABS plastic. I've only used PLA before. I'm using Anycubic Kobra Neo (Heated, PEI-coated bed). Originally, I just changed my plastic to ABS and tried printing with manufacturer-provided profile (80/230 degrees), without changing Z-offset or any other details. However, plastic just didn't stick to the bed. Since then, I've tried:
- Increasing temperatures to 90/240
- Increasing and decreasing extrusion force
- Increasing and decresing Z-offset
- Performing autolevelling
- Checking that it extrudes properly without print (using filament loading procedure)
Nothing seems to help. Every time, it starts printing the "border" (not sure how it is called) more or less fine:
But then it either leaves peaces of plastic on the bed, or they just stick to the extruder:
Are there any other steps I should check to ensure proper adhesion? I'm aware that it is recommended to use things like glue to increase adhesion when printing ABS, but I thought it is possible to print without them if the bed is heated and has PEI (or other) special coating.