I am trying to compile firmware for an Ender 5 Plus with its stock 8-bit board with ATmega2560. The environment is set correctly and it compiles the hex file as it should when I use PlatformIO:Build (and runs fine when I can actually get it to upload).
I want to try Marlin AutoBuild to try uploading via their utility. However, as you can see it populated with some random board for a printer that is not hooked up and not specified in platform.ini
Where are these fields being populated from?
Again, the firmware folder that is loaded currently is for the Ender 5 Plus and I have not had any others loaded recently that used the BTT board.
src_dir = Marlin
boards_dir = buildroot/share/PlatformIO/boards
default_envs = E5P_BIL
platform = atmelavr
extends = common_avr8
board = megaatmega2560
build_flags = ${common.build_flags} -DMachineEnder5Plus -DHotendAllMetal - DBedDC