I have an M3D Micro 3D printer that printed fine for a couple of weeks and then was plagued with issues afterward. I've done the fixes from the forum to get proper heating and cooling of the nozzle (I've added aluminum foil around the nozzle to make sure the hotend is fit snug against the nozzle and I've added an external fan, powered externally, to compensate for heat creep).
This works very well for short prints and it usually finishes successfully. When I do a longer print it always stops midway and usually at the same exact point.
I tried printing at 200 °C with black PLA and then again at 215 °C with the same filament and it stops at the same exact point. I also tried M3D brand white filament. I am using CURA slicer with Octoprint GCODE sender and M3D Fio.
I know it is not clogged because if I stop the print and press extrude without letting it cool down, it extrudes fine.
What is causing my printer to stop printing?