This has happened a few times whenever I print with the white PLA (Hatchbox 1.75 mm). It seems that the print job produces smooth sidewalls for most of the part but at a certain point and above, the walls become rough as if the alignment is off or something. I've attached a picture to show the issue. Does anybody have any insight?
I'm using a Printrbot Simple Metal and some of the print settings are listed below:
- Slicer: Slic3r
- [First] Layer height: 0.2 mm
- Perimeters: 2
- Solid Layers [top/bottom]: 3
- Infill: 25%
- Fill pattern: Rectilinear
- Top/Bottom Fill pattern: Concentric
- Perimeter speed: 30 mm/s
- Infill speed: 80 mm/s
- Travel speed: 150 mm/s
- Acceleration (perimeters): 1000 mm/s2
- Acceleration (default): 3000mm/s2
- Default extrusion width: Slic3r chosen
- Print temperature: 220°C
I've noticed in the Slic3r rendering that the affected area seems to be the point where the infill switches from 25% to solid as seen in the included picture. If this is the problem, is there any way to enforce solid infill a few layers below this to eliminate the awkward transition, or specify a smaller extrusion width at this point?