What 3D printing or additive manufacturing is good for is printing small and delicate stuffs. examples: scaffolds, tissues, human organ. i've seen some people use 3D printing to print bone or a part of it.
Also, it's good for fast prototyping, especially you don't want to wait for the machine shop forever. that's where 3D printing comes in.
What is not good about 3D printing is the piece cannot withstand normal force/stress as compared to regular casting/manufacturing ways. 3D printed work piece are easy to break compared to other methods. no matter what alloys/plastic ink you use, there is always something better. 3D printing don't give the best. as such, manufacturing still relies on old methods.
let's review the pros and cons of regular manufacturing (mfg) and 3D printing:
+cost: design mold, more time/money investment to make equipment
+profit: faster+cheaper (in term of $/product) for mass production
+cost: cheaper machine (usually but not always, depending on the input materials, could be alloys, plastics, etc.), laser type (diff commercial printers use diff laser)
+profit: cut time to make equipments because it's ready avail, more expensive but also more control so each of these methods have their goods and bads. personally i think it's usually worse than better compared to regular mfg so it doesn't make much sense to me.
So in my opinion, no.