Questions tagged [all-metal-hotend]

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3 votes
1 answer

Is there a possibility to reliably print PLA with an Ender 3 that has an all-metal hot end?

I want to use my Ender 3 as a multi-filament-printing printer As many users already have asked, printing PLA with an all-metal hot end is not really recommended. But, if I am attempting to use my ...
JJLC's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Ok to shutdown printer after unloading filament, with no cool down?

With a fan cooled, all metal hotend, is there any reason to wait for the hotend to cool, before shutting down power, if the filament has been unloaded? When leaving the filament on the machine after a ...
ChinchillaWafers's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Clogging from heat creep, but only in the nozzle itself?

I have an all-metal V6 hotend clone that has worked in the past, but recently will clog very easily. I've tried the following to address it: Clean/replace the nozzle (0.4 or 0.5 mm, nozzle is hot-...
Mandias's user avatar
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Pros and cons of the two(+?) kinds of bimetal heatbreaks

I just replaced my PTFE-lined heatbreak with a Slice Engineering Copperhead, and am mostly happy with the results, but in the process of buying it and learning not to jam it, I came across with ...
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE's user avatar
1 vote
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K-Thermistor vs Ender 3 Stock Thermistor: Problem with bad reads

I have changed my hotend on my Ender 3 v2 with Dragonfly BMS. In effect, because I wanted to reach higher temperatures, I also changed the thermistor with one that is 3mm wide and does not have the ...
bem22's user avatar
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Ender 3 Upgraded to All Metal Hot End -- Heat Creep?

I was having heat creep related hot end clogs leading to skipped layers or plain old air printing (with extruder stepper skipping). Since I'd just received the all metal hot end I ordered a while ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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Hotends where heatbreak is not load-bearing?

Having started with an Ender 3, it just seemed natural to me that the heatbreak should not be load-bearing; Creality's stock hotend has 2 bolts holding the heat block to the heat sink, which of course ...
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Way to add identity to an all metal hot end

Is there any convention on how to mark an all metal hotend to distinguish it from a hotend with a PTFE tube in the heatbreak? Once assembled for a German Riprap 3D printer, they look exactly the same ...
Perry Webb's user avatar
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4 votes
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E3D Clone heatbreak / nozzle leak issue

I've built a custom machine based on the AM8 (Anet A8 upgrade). I've got an E3D V6 clone hotend in, seems like a decent clone. I've replaced the heat break, heat block, and nozzle several times but ...
BossRoss's user avatar
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Can I use a material other than PTFE to print PETG?

Because of the crazy shipping prices, I want to find a cheaper alternative to ordering a 600$ all-metal hot-end. Is there a material like that which does what PTFE does but till higher temperatures?
Shridhar Sharma's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it practical to build a separate hotend temperature controller to assemble hotends without taking up printer time?

One could make such a controller with 3D printer parts and building a case for them, but is it significantly less than just buying a compatible low-cost printer. The intent is to heat up the all-...
Perry Webb's user avatar
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After print failure cant extrude PLA [duplicate]

I had a failed print lastnight and a glob of pla surrounded the hotend. After heating it up and removing the glob the extruder does not release any significant material. I checked with OctoPrint and ...
Kendrick's user avatar
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Why does Marlin report the wrong temperature until print is stopped?

I have an Ender 3 Pro with a Bigtree SKR board. I just replaced the entire hot end (thermistor, heating element, Micro Swiss hotend). Now when I try to print a Benchy everything seems fine until maybe ...
Jackie's user avatar
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All-metal hotends are less forgiving / not as good for PLA -- but how bad?

Currently, I'm using a Creality printer to print PLA (that's what I have on hand) but I'm definitely interested in working with other materials that require higher temperatures (both much higher, and ...
ikrase's user avatar
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