Questions tagged [chitu]

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4 votes
2 answers

Chitubox estimated time very away from the real time

Some time ago, I bought an Elegoo Mars 2 Pro, and I really liked the product. This is my first resin printer and I am very satisfied. What has been bothering me a little is in relation to the slicer. ...
2 votes
1 answer

Are there printer firmware specifics when adding printer profiles to slicer software?

In this question, I was struggling with my printer not recognizing sliced files. Switching from ChituBox to Lychee solved the issue until the printer stopped recognizing the .ctb files sliced by ...
1 vote
1 answer

Chitubox stopped slicing files correctly

I just bought an Elegoo Saturn S and used ChituBox for slicing. I had sliced a couple of models but for some reason the printer stopped recognizing the .ctb files the other day. I sliced a model and ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can I combine several ".CTB" files together into a single file?

I've used Chitubox to add supports to a number of models and saved them as .CTB files ready for printing. If I want to print several of these models at the same time, is it possible to combine them ...
1 vote
1 answer

Are bottom layer Curing settings automatically applied to everything touching the build plate?

When using Chitubox as a slicer for a resin print, will the bottom layer curing settings automatically be applied to any party of a model that is in contact with the build plate, or only to certain ...
1 vote
1 answer

Bottom layer exposure for prints placed directly on the bed (resin printer)?

I have an Elegoo Saturn Mono resin printer. If I make a 3D model that has a "sacrificial layer" on the bottom, and I place it flat on the bed, will the area in contact with e bed ...
0 votes
1 answer

Installing multiple versions of ChiTu side by side

I am using two resin printers based on the ChiTu software (Creality LD-002R and SainSmart Kumitsu KL9), and the former uses ChiTu 1.6.2, while the latter came with 1.6.1. I believe both will work just ...