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Questions tagged [print-orientation]

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6 votes
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Why is cupping bad in SLA prints?

Why is cupping bad? (I don't mean hollow parts) Example: Lets say that I want to print a simple cup without a handle. There are two obvious orientations: In one orientation it won't require any ...
Faur's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to decide print orientation?

Please Note: This question is not about the design. It's about deciding print orientation after the design. I have a small, but complex piece which I need to print. Here are two images of different ...
Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to change slicing line direction/type for small geometries?

Using Cura, I'm trying to change the direction of just a section of my print. I want it to print zig zag instead of straight lines. Just the way my part is intended to be used it'd be much better to ...
Vandel212's user avatar
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