Questions tagged [tmc2208]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to configure the TMC2208 Driver Voltage for a Creality Sprite Extruder in Klipper on Ender 3 Pro?

I'm trying to set up a Creality Sprite Extruder on my Ender 3 Pro without using the kit (installing the extruder alone). I can see on the Sprite Extruder Pro Kit product page that the extruder ...
Pierre's user avatar
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TMC2208 v1.2 stepper motor drivers not detected on SKR 1.4 turbo with RepRap firmware

I've upgraded my board to SKR1.4 Turbo with RepRap firmware. Everything works, but motors move double the request. M112 reports them as 'no-driver-detected'. ...
Chris Parussin's user avatar
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TMC2208,BMG and 0.9 degree stepper motor, is this a bad combination?

My printer randomly freezes partway into the print whenever I use the combination of Marlin 2.0, TMC2208 stealthchop, a 3:1 geared extruder and an E3D 0.9° stepper in a Bowden configuration on the E ...
user1247060's user avatar
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Why does my TMC2208 only rotate my stepper motor in one direction?

I have two TMC2208 stepper drivers, both with the exact same problem. They both only allow the motor to rotate in one direction. They are currently used inside a CoreXY style 3D printer. In my case, ...
Kiro's user avatar
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