**Longer lead**<br />
pros:<br />
1. faster movement (mostly benefits homing)<br />
2. more standard<br />
3. weak motor friendly<br />
<br />
cons <br />
1. backlash<br />
2. less resolution (unless using 0.9 degree motor but see note*) although this is ignorable since it's still very high. it's already around 4x higher than xy axes using the longest leads**.<br />

**Shorter leads**<br />
pros<br />
1. more accuracy but only if you turn off microstepping. note that it can give you more resolution, but it's useless resolution unless you print with < 0.01mm layer heights. Turning off microstepping trades away this useless resolution for increased accuracy.<br />
2. less backlash<br />
<br />
cons<br />
1. stronger motors maybe needed<br />
2. slower homing<br />
<br />
In the end, you get shorter leads to increase the resolution so you can decrease microstepping, which increases accuracy. <br />
<br />
footnotes<br />
*it makes more sense to use higher degree motors to drive shorter leads than vice versa because of higher torque.<br />
**0.0025mm vs 0.0125mm