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Help printing in ABS

First of all, the bed should be at 100-110 °C and fan 0 %. I had incredibly good results by using a (sacrificial) "draft shield" as shown below together with a large brim (10 mm). It creates ...
FarO's user avatar
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Delamination issue Ender 3 Pro PLA

Just to update on this, it wasn't directly a configuration setting, it was actually a blockage in the hotend (I suspect because the PTFE tube had become unseated from some black filament that was ...
user3573036's user avatar
4 votes

Delamination issue Ender 3 Pro PLA

This is under extrusion, not delamination. Delamination is the result of the under extrusion. It typically happens when the wrong filament diameter has been set in the slicer (a larger diameter than ...
0scar's user avatar
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4 votes

Help printing in ABS

You make no mention of a heated enclosure, so I assume you aren't using one. ABS undergoes significant contraction as it cools down. If you're not using an enclosure, the temperature differences ...
Mark's user avatar
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Help printing in ABS

If you are printing very thin walls, corners can be difficult. Rounding the corners helps. Also, if you can leave the outside square, but round the inside (making the corner slightly thicker), this ...
Perry Webb's user avatar
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2 votes

Delamination in resin prints

With the information provided my thought is that your layers are underexposed for their thickness. Each layer is just barely bonding to the layer above it. After being pulled on by layers below ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Hatchbox Silver PLA settings?

I know the original user has probably found an answer to their question by now, but I'll add my 2 cents for the benefit of others who come across this. My experience with Hatchbox has been that the ...
JASON HOMER's user avatar
1 vote

Inner layers separating specially on the top

You did not mention your line width... From the print effects I do reckon that you are printing your model with a line width of 0.4 mm from a 0.4 mm nozzle. Due to the physical properties of different ...
Trish's user avatar
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Inner layers separating specially on the top

Make sure to check your temperature sensors. Examine their position and ensure they are in the correct place (no shifting or bending). Lastly, if you have made any changes in the filament brand or ...
Büşra Fatma SUSUZ's user avatar
1 vote

What could cause delamination in the raft?

I'm not sure what exactly was the problem, but setting Transition Layers Count to 8 apparently solved it. I have no more fails since I did that, and one failure when I tried printing without them, for ...
Mołot's user avatar
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eSun PETG outer wall delamination, random huge artifacting on some sides and fine printing on others

Go a lot slower. 40 mm/s is near the max speed for PETG on a stock Creality bowden extruder at 0.2 mm layer height. You're aiming for nearly 50% more flow per unit distance, so you need to drop speed ...
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE's user avatar
1 vote

Delaminating in the middle area of photon printer

The print you do is a sealed cup in the position it sits directly on the build plate. As a result, there is a column of resin in the cup as you print and at some point, the weakest spot delaminates, ...
Trish's user avatar
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1 vote

How to set multiple draft shields in Prusaslicer?

You could CAD a 1 layer thick cylinder, and add it to your print and place it around your object. You can create any number of cylindrical shells that way...
LordMelkor's user avatar
1 vote

Delamination in resin prints

Besides the options of underexposure or bad FEP film, there's also the option of the print being in a bad orientation for printing. Often, the quality gets better if you tilt the model some degrees. ...
Trish's user avatar
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Print is not properly laminated at certain height

Thanks to all the replies. Whilst all of them may be valid in some scenarios, my case seemed to have been a combination of things, that relates to most of the replies here. I had my spool holder on ...
Louis van Tonder's user avatar
1 vote

Print is not properly laminated at certain height

I had a similar problem with my prusa i3 variant i built. I found that this issue would decrease in occurance when retraction was disabled however would not completely disappear. After much ...
Eagl3's user avatar
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Print is not properly laminated at certain height

This looks like a heating or retraction issue. I also have a Di3, and I encountered a similar problem a while ago. I have found that leveling the bed very well and making sure the z-axis is aligned ...
raviriley's user avatar

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