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11 votes

Linux software for laser engraver

A program that lists as functional with Linux is Lightburn. It's new to the laser engraving world and supports GRBL type controllers as well as Ruida brand and possibly a few others. If you can ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
9 votes

Convert 3D printer to laser engraver

Yes, one can convert a 3D printer into a Laser Engraver, and it isn't even all that problematic. You'd need to acquire a laser diode. These are usually not available with a lot of power - certainly ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 22.5k
7 votes

Add a laser module to Reprap Guru Prusa i3

By connecting to the D9 output header (see RAMPS 1.4 shield schematic below) you only have 2 wires that represent a scheduled load and ground. You actually need to connect the positive (red) lead to ...
0scar's user avatar
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6 votes

Linux software for laser engraver

I just found This software is intended to be used with a KKMoon laser engraver (3000mW). It comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It may or may not work with an ...
itshorty's user avatar
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6 votes

Running laser on my printer

Thank you all for your suggestions and help. It appears that I was just running the printer too fast and slowing it down to about 10% of my original speed "fixed" my problem. I don't know where i got ...
Pomonaill220's user avatar
5 votes

Convert 3D printer to laser engraver

Probably a laser... and a mount for the laser. Then connect its power supply to be switched by the extruder supply/signal. Also, there would be no need for any Z-axis movement, beyond setting the ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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5 votes

laser is engraving the negative space

M42 command is an immediate command. This means that it will run before the move GCode commands finish. This is exactly what I was facing. This video has the walk-...
codeNinja's user avatar
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4 votes

Linux software for laser engraver

Not a native Linux application so I dunno if it matches your use case, but the driver and control software "Laser engraving machine K4 V2.2" that was bundled with the printer on a USB stick ...
z-nexx's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes

Is it possible to attach a laser engraver to a SLA / resin 3D printer?

Not with consumer equipment. FDM printers are functionally three-axis motion control machines: "extrude quantity W material at position X Y Z, continue to next W, X, Y, and Z." Adapting it ...
T.J.L.'s user avatar
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4 votes

laser is engraving the negative space

This is too long for a good comment but may fall short of being a true answer. If the mods prefer, I can recast it as a set of comments. There are several differences between using a GPIO pin as a ...
cmm's user avatar
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4 votes

Can a PLA print be laser engraved?

Yes, it is possible Jered Adams shared, in a Youtube Video from 2023, that he could, in fact, engrave prints with a laser, and his method. The problems he encountered were mostly related to getting ...
Trish's user avatar
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3 votes

Laser Engraver with Smoothie, RAMPS 1.4 or AWC708C?

Marlin supports a stepping frequency of up to 40kHz. For a pretty typical setup with 100 steps/mm, this translates to 400 mm/s - obviously, if you use higher microstepping settings or use finer ...
Tom van der Zanden's user avatar
3 votes

Connecting 12 V Laser Module to 24 V Control Board

You'll need a 12 V step-down regulator to convert your 24 V to 12V, or a separate power supply for the laser module (make sure to connect each PSU's ground terminals). It also depends on what sort of ...
towe's user avatar
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3 votes

Connecting 12 V Laser Module to 24 V Control Board

I have converted a 3D printer to a laser printer using the fan port. Although it is possible, I would not suggest to use the fan port for this. First, make sure what your laser module uses as input. E....
0scar's user avatar
  • 37.1k
2 votes

Running laser on my printer

Have you checked the supply voltage? With everything turned on (steppers stepping, laser on, etc) you may be pulling too much current and the supply voltage is drooping. Use DVM to measure the DC ...
markshancock's user avatar
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2 votes

Laser engraving software for Boxzy 3D printer

Autodesk must have been reading your mind. A brand new video just got posted today from Autodesk on how to do this in F360.
markshancock's user avatar
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2 votes

GRBL: inaccurate on X axis by ~4 mm on 400 mm

This seems to be either a case of either belt slop or missed steps or it is a case of the accuracy of the limit switch. If the limit switch moves even a little into either direction, you have to ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 22.5k
2 votes

Connecting 12 V Laser Module to 24 V Control Board

Get a proper module The most straightforward solution would be to get a 24 V rated laser module. However, that boat already departed (unless you can send it back and get a proper one in return). The ...
Trish's user avatar
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2 votes

Color phenomenon with MOPA Fiber laser on stainless steel

I don't see one square with bars, I see two overlapping squares, as illuminated here: The reason for them might be manifold, but to me, it seems the most likely cause is bad focussing or a mechanical ...
Trish's user avatar
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2 votes

Laser engraver on Ender 3 without taking important ports

You don't need to open the electronics casing, why not cut/split the (print) fan cable so that you can plug it quick without too much delay. The power for the laser could be fed directly from a power ...
0scar's user avatar
  • 37.1k
2 votes

GRBL with low feed rate not working

This was likely due to reaching the limitations (maybe minimum step rate) of the stepper drivers which were 4988 drivers. I updated them to 8825 drivers which were able to support a speed of ...
Nick Wallace's user avatar
2 votes

Can a PLA print be laser engraved?

The engraving depends on the colour of the part and on the material. It also depends on the type of laser used (CO2, diode). PLA works, in general. You can see the following three videos, all testing ...
FarO's user avatar
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1 vote

Mounting a 10 W laser on Geeetech Prusa I3 Pro B?

Fan ports (as well as heater ports) are controlled with MOSFETs that switch the ground connection on the port on and off. The positive connection (+12 / 24 V) is always on - this is not what your ...
towe's user avatar
  • 1,597
1 vote

Can a PLA print be laser engraved?

Yes, you can laser engrave objects 3D printed with PLA, but there are important considerations to keep in mind to avoid damaging the entire structure. PLA has a relatively low melting point (around ...
user44579's user avatar
1 vote

Linux software for laser engraver

The best is Kiri Moto. I use CNC and the stack idea is very comfortable. Laser and FDM, SLA are available as well.
0x3's user avatar
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1 vote

Linux software for laser engraver

I have a similar machine and you won't find a Linux software to control it. You won't find a Windows software either, except the one shipped with the machine. I sniffed the traffic on the USB port and ...
Stefan Vrampe's user avatar
1 vote

Linux software for laser engraver

I also have one, when you plug it on your linux computer, there is a CH340G usb-serial chip inside, a serial port should be available at /dev/ttyUSB0, and you can send a right BMP file via this serial ...
user164328's user avatar
1 vote

Laser LA03-5000 wiring to RAMPS 1.4

Please look into this question, this is a very similar question and also involves PWM and a RAMPS 1.4 shield. In your case you connect the top red wire on the right bottom connector to the D4 pin ...
0scar's user avatar
  • 37.1k
1 vote

How to build a cheap (but safe) laser engraver with spare parts

I have a printer and a diode laser head which will etch aluminum for under $4k, but you're going to have to manage potentially noxious fumes based on what material you're lasering. It's safe if used ...
Davo's user avatar
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1 vote

Running laser on my printer

You should insert M400 commands before each and every M42 command. The reason is that M42 ...
Tom van der Zanden's user avatar

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