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Printing dental temporary crowns

You ask about "filament", so I assume you expect fused-filament technologies. These are however not accurate enough, besides being prone to gaps and crevices which are problematic in crowns. ...
FarO's user avatar
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How can I create a mold for an atypical shape for 3D printing using Fusion 360?

I would like to thank @hfcandrew and @MagWeb for their in-depth explanations: Creating a two part mold from organic mesh (bone sample) Meshmixer: Newbie questions Quoting from the original forum ...
Bilal Bahadır Akbulut's user avatar
3 votes

Inexpensive 3D printer for medical applications

Not in that price range 5000 USD might sound much, but it is far outside of the scope of an industrial 3D printer. You ask to print parts that are safe for implantation, so you need a machine that is ...
Trish's user avatar
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Inexpensive 3D printer for medical applications

I am not an expert but I think you will find that because 3D printers use a layer by layer construction method, and the boundary between the layers creates grooves along the surface or leaves a rough ...
user802599's user avatar
2 votes

What's the best printing technique to produce splints (a device to immobilize a body part)?

For anything where there is an open or bandaged wound, you should NOT use 3D printing, and should use sterilized medical equipment to prevent infection and heavy metals infiltrating the bloodstream. ...
craftxbox's user avatar
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PETG and Clear Aligner?

No PETG is a material that can only be used in FDM machines. This precludes any internal medical use, as FDM prints can't be made sterile or even hygienic - the sterilization processes would destroy ...
Trish's user avatar
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PLA infill/perimeter-layer to mimic real bone hardness

Generally, if you care about achieving a specific structure inside the "interior" part of a model to be printed, that structure needs to be part of your model rather than generated by a slicer. If it ...
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE's user avatar
1 vote

Inexpensive 3D printer for medical applications

Find another medical facility that is doing it, and ask what equipment and filament they use. They may also have a source for medical related models. I would expect medical stuff to be regulated by ...
EvilTeach's user avatar
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