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Issues with connecting Pronterface to Anet A8 printer

After some trial and error, I discovered you need to set the baud rate to 115200 in the printer settings. I went through and tried each of the baud settings available until it connected. Glad I ...
Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2's user avatar
4 votes

Printrun doesn't connect when 12 V is on

It sounds a bit like you are having (additional) grounding issues1. Are your MacBook and the RAMPS using the same ground, i.e. are they using the same mains circuit? If you are using the same power ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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3 votes

Error:Printer halted. kill() called!

Your G-code file contains the G28 command to home the printer, as you do not have endstops, execution of this command fails. If you do not use endstops, you should ...
0scar's user avatar
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3 votes

Why does my DIY printer start printing in air?

If the cad model was imported from Solidworks into Simplify3D. Push "Center and Arrange" button to place the model in the middle of the Heat Bed. There might be a gap between the object and bed level ...
2012User's user avatar
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Printer inverted Y-axis

This blog post shows 3 main solutions: Flipping the motor cables (As suggested in the other answer) Switching the x and y-axis: This may switch the direction of your y-axis depending on the way your ...
Ryan Gaudion's user avatar
2 votes

Pronterface won't connect to my Anycubic Kossel Linear Plus

I know this is coming very late, but I'll post anyway in hopes that it may help somebody else experiencing the same frustration. I received all of the same suggestions again and again on the forums --...
Michael Pankratz's user avatar
2 votes

Heatbed control with Pronterface

Sli3er will control the bed temperature during a print. The options in Pronterface can be used to pre-heat the bed and hot end, or to adjust the temperature during a print. The slicer will put the ...
Jexoteric's user avatar
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1 vote

How to apply manually obtained mesh leveling values to a G-code file on a printer without ABL?

That depends on the firmware, e.g. Marlin firmware can set a mesh through G-codes when the firmware is set to Unified Bed Levelling (UBL). However, Raise3D is using a closed source of which is unknown ...
0scar's user avatar
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How to set the fully dynamic plotting area?

If the problem of "dynamic area", or even "how to avoid missing the surface and boundaries" could be translated to "where to start well-defined job" - then it sounds to ...
octopus8's user avatar
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Anet A8 board USB broken?

I have this printer and used this board many times over USB. The genuine Arduino boards use the FTDI FT232RL to convert USB signals to UART signals. The problem with these Arduino based clone boards ...
0scar's user avatar
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1 vote

Printer inverted Y-axis

Usually I just flip the connector around on the board. This causes the stepper to reverse without fiddling around with firmware.
henradrie's user avatar
1 vote

Pronterface not connecting ERROR: A device attached to the system is not functioning

Finally, I found the solution after frying up a Mega board. The problem is with the Mega board. Part of the board is not functioning properly or not connecting with the RAMPS 1.4 shield properly. So ...
Avishka Dambawinna's user avatar
1 vote

Pronterface won't connect to my Anycubic Kossel Linear Plus

I recently purchased and assembled the Anycubic Kossel Delta printer and ran into the same issues. I found that if I tried to connect with "COM 1" first, it would error out, then when I switched to "...
lowboydrvr's user avatar
1 vote

Pronterface won't connect to my Anycubic Kossel Linear Plus

Only one application can access the Arduino Mega board, via the COM port, at a time. Sometimes, the software can get confused, and keep hold of the COM port, although this is unusual. For example, ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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Pronterface won't connect to my Anycubic Kossel Linear Plus

I know this may be a little late, but I bought the same printer and found that I had problems also. To fix this connection issue I first made sure I had no arduino programs open that were trying the ...
Jake Blocker's user avatar

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