I have an Ender3Ender 3 a 3DTouch, with the SKR mini e3Mini E3 1.2 board.
From one day to another the probe started producing this pattern,where where the right side of my bed (5x5 mesh, tried with 3x3, 7x7, all produce the same pattern) just drops by a significant amount. Bed The bed is the crealityCreality glass bed. TriedI tried switching it back to the stock ender3Ender 3 plate (non magnetic-magnetic) No, but no physical sign of this drop can be seen by the eye.
Probe testing with M048M048
usually gave me Range ~0.005, and standard deviation between 0.001-0.0025 both in the problematic part, and any other part on the bed.
What could cause this problem?