I'm printing part for a chess board from a set on Thingiverse, expanded a little to 50 mm square. After the 3rd layer, I'm seeing what looks like raised ripples, and you can feel them with a finger too. I didn't see this when printing just 4 pieces earlier. PLA at ~200 °C, bed is PEX/flex steel/magnet/AL.
The initial layer also had some streakiness (?) after the 1st layer.
Odd, as the bed tests out as pretty level using the paper under the nozzle test.
Looking much better now that the infill is starting. Will have to look into calibrating the extruder when this print finishes. Printed a 6 hour iPhone stand yesterday, turned out really nice.
Top layer is nearing done (looks like top layer is finishing, then the lip to go for the edge of the board) and all signs of the rippling are gone. Will check the 'level' again before we start on the light color squares.