When you describe a problem like this, it is best to describe the effect, not what you think is the cause - particularly since others then might mis-read your description.
Each layer being offset in one direction suggests that there is a problem with either the part moving on the bed (unlikely), or in the registration of one axis drifting over time.
Most likely, your Y-axis is skipping steps. It could be several things:
- the axis binding on it's runners
- the drive belt skipping because it is loose
- the drive belt binding because it is too tight
- too fast a print/travel speed
- the print nozzle catching on the print (bed too high, no z-hop)
- not enough drive current to the stepper motor
- stepper motor failing
- belt drive loose on the stepper shaft
A common 'feature' of 3d printing is that different models might emphasise one problem, but a different shape might hide it.
Check that everything is properly tightened, moves freely, and the belts are undamaged - with luck you can find the problem and it's not electrical.