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Questions tagged [elegoo-neptune-3]

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2 votes
2 answers

How come certain parts of my model don't print?

I use Elegoo Cura. The blade and other parts of my print do not get sliced, and I don't know how to fix it This is what is meant to be printed: And this is what the print looks like, with the holes ...
twitchsmh's user avatar
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Printing with 1 mm nozzle keeps failing

I'm printing a large print model, but it fails when I use a 1 mm nozzle. When I use the 0.4 mm nozzle, it works fine. What can cause a print to work with a smaller nozzle? I'm using Cura as my slicer ...
amb1s1's user avatar
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What causes this lack of adhesion on the first layer

I just got an Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro and it's been printing great. Until now. I'm not sure what changed. My first layer is acting funny. I get separation of the lines, but only where the extruder is ...
Jeremy Foster's user avatar
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2 answers

Entire Print Shifted

Can anyone tell me what would cause an entire print to be shifted about 8mm? I have a new Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro (which is doing an awesome job so far!). I started printing this Treasure Chest Puzzle ...
Jeremy Foster's user avatar
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Layers offset at top and bottom and some inbetween

I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem/problems for a couple of days now regarding printing issues caused probably by the Z-axis. I'm new to 3D printing and kind of at a loss about what to do next or ...
RyuRenyama's user avatar