
I'm experimenting with larger nozzles and large objects. I thought I had left the default wall count at 3 and that's why the print was turning out much sturdier and much heavier than a smaller nozzle, even though it took 1/3 - 1/2 as long to print it.

Well, I have a 1 mm nozzle, wall thickness set to 2 mm, and wall line count at 2. I expected that wall thickness was to be multiplied by wall line count to arrive at the final wall width. However, I don't think that's the case, the two values seem to be interrelated and redundant. This forum post from a few years ago tries to say as much. I now think that wall thickness is extrusion width (line width?) multiplied by wall line count.

The problem that I saw that made me dig into this, is that the wall thickness is set to double the line width, leading me to believe that I'm getting 2 walls of double-width walls, which means 4 mm thick walls. I don't think it's doing that, but I may have confused myself in the process. Looking at the line view, I think the walls are 2 mm.

How are these two variables related?

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1 Answer 1


I expected that Wall Thickness was to be multiplied by Wall Line Count to arrive at the final wall width.

No, the Wall Thickness is the width of the complete wall, not of a single extrusion line, that is Wall Line Width which is a sub option of the Line Width property. Note that Wall Line Width itself is split up into Outer Wall Line Width and Inner Wall(s) Line Width

Wall Thickness is "Line Width" multiplied by the Wall Line Count

Note the Wall Thickness is calculated when you change the Line Width/Wall Line Width or greyed out, further more, when you set the wall width to a specified width, the amount of lines are calculated.

  • $\begingroup$ In general, Cura has a lot of these kind of "derived settings" where it's somewhat confusing which one is the actual setting and which is an awkward indirect way of setting it. $\endgroup$ Commented May 25, 2022 at 14:27

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