I've got a class with access to a few Replicator+s. Makerbot's official site gives a build volume of 11.6 x 7.6 x 6.5 ". (LxWxH)
Out of curiosity (I'm not intending to print it), I created a 11.6 x 7.6 x 6.5 inch rectangular prism and placed it in the build plate in the Makerbot software. It didn't like that, so I scaled it back to 11.5 x 7.5 x 6.4 inches to fit inside the build volume. It accepted that, and I could click the generate preview button, but then it got stuck 50% of the way through generating the preview and toolpath. I'm guessing that the extruder can't actually reach all of the build volume and so it can't generate a toolpath to create this monstrosity. Does anyone know the actual volume that it can reach and actually utilize?