I’m using an Anet A8 and recently printed my first Benchy successfully. The first print came out really well, but now, with the exact same configuration, all I get are failed prints. I’ve attached some pictures of the failed prints.
Here’s the configuration I used:
- Filament: PLA
- Print temperature: 200 °C
- Bed temperature: 60 °C
- Print speed: 50 mm/s
- Layer height: 0.2 mm
- Retraction: 5 mm at 50 mm/s
- Infill: 15%
- Cooling: 100%
As mentioned, the first Benchy printed perfectly, but now I’m getting layer issues, poor layer adhesion, or under-extruded areas. Has anyone experienced this before? What could be causing this sudden poor print quality even though I didn’t change anything in the settings? What should I check or adjust?