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Questions tagged [skynet3d]

Use this tag for questions about a specific custom firmware for the low-cost series of Anet printers to support the special displays they use.

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2 answers

Anet A8 Z-Probe Bed Positioning going outside of bounds

I have an Anet A8 with the Anet 1.7 board, Skynet3d v2.3.2, and the stock sensor. I originally had this configuration with the stock extruder, but recently purchased an E3D v6 clone with a Bowden ...
capnjck's user avatar
  • 13
2 votes
1 answer

Anet A8 - SkyNet3D freezes randomly at boot

I have a problem with my Anet A8. It is a little strange because it does not always happen. When I turn on my printer, it freezes on boot in the second splash screen. If I turn off and turn on ...
Jnavero's user avatar
  • 185
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1 answer

Trouble uploading Skynet3D to my Anet A8 via Arduino program

I'm in distress here fellow people. I'm a noob to 3d printers and want to become an expert. Everybody has to start at the bottom right? Like the title says I'm trying to upload Skynet to my printer ...
Josh R.'s user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

SkyNet3D firmware home settings

I recently installed SkyNet3D V1.1 on my Anet A8 printer. When I prepare the printer and select "auto home" it moves the head close to the upper right hand side of the bed. How do I change these ...
Krizzle's user avatar
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