- Every time I issue a
command the printer runs through all its multi-point/probing bed leveling routine.
Is this normal? or can I issue one G29
command with suffice to rule them all! :-)
- When I issue
G29 S1
to save the topology to the printer makes a buzzing noise with output :
READ: echo:busy: processing
busy: processing
READ: echo:busy: processing
busy: processing
READ: echo:busy: processing
busy: processing
Below is my Start G-code for reference to this issue.
; reset BL Touch twice
M280 P0 S160
M280 P0 S160
; set Acceleration settings
; M204
; set JERK X/Y to 8s
; M205 X10
; set E-Steps for 3DPW Grey PLA E-Steps test results
M92 E106.6
; save those settings
; home all axes
; set temporary nozzle temp to prevent oozing during homing and auto bed leveling
M104 S120
; perform auto leveling
G29 P1
; extrapolate leveling
G29 P3
; set fade height to 10mm ***NOT sure this is needed with an almost flat bed out by 0.2mm ?!
; G29 F10
; Saves the bed topology results into slot one.
; G29 S1 ; ***NOT*** a god idea - makes a bad bussing noise and never completes
; save for future use
; Loads mesh #1 for the current print job IF previously saved !
; G29 L1
; set target extruder nozzle temperature and wait (if heating)
M109 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ; wait for extruder temp
; use absolute positioning for the XYZ axes
; move to the Y=20mm position on the bed = FRONT
G1 Y20 F3600
; move to the X=200 mm position on the bed = MIDDLE
G1 X200 F3600
; purge nozzle
G1 E25 F300