I've just installed a BLTouch on my Ender 5 Pro and updated the firmware to and enabled BL touch. I can send a G29
which probes all the points correctly, I also get a readout of the results in OctoPrint terminal but when it puts a first layer down the filament does not adhere to the bed. I also end up with a large clump on filament stuck to my nozzle afterwards.
I've set the Z probe offset while the nozzle was in the center of the bed, and had a good grip on the piece of paper under it while setting it. I stored settings afterwards. I can't actually tell if the BL touch is even doing anything.
Do I need to manually level the bed before using the printer with a BLTouch? It currently has not been leveled since I assembled the printer. I guessed the BLTouch would handle this for me and I wouldn't need to level the bed ever?
These were the results from my G29
-0.218, -0.148, -0.116, -0.088, -0.084
-0.194, -0.136, -0.115, -0.061, -0.020
-0.138, -0.035, +0.030, +0.091, +0.107
-0.008, +0.062, +0.129, +0.191, +0.261
+0.160, +0.261, +0.339, +0.411, +0.469