First, I'm using Linux Mint 18.3 (Sylvia). Until now, I've been using OpenSCAD with the GUI and never experienced issues. Now I try to start OpenSCAD from the command line, but it always opens an empty file, even if a file with the specified name exists.
Since I have a rather big script, I'd like to generate the STL's via the CLI. Due to this error, I can not even do any tests for parameter passing.
What I'd like to do is to issue a command (flom the command line or in a shell script) that says "Set objectID to 1, render and export the result to stl".
Here is my M(N)WE:
// test.scad
objectID = 2;
if (objectID == 1)
cylinder(d=20, h=50, center=true);
cylinder(d=16, h=50.2, center=true);
else if (objectID == 2)
cube(50, center=true);
cube([35,35,70], center=true);
Any help will greatly be appreciated.
openscad test.scad -o test.stl
? $\endgroup$