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G29 Bed Level not doing anything on Marlin 2.0

I've just updated my Anet A8 with the blue bed level sensor to Marlin 2.0 . Both pressing the Level Bed button on the display or using G29 after ...
Nicola Guerrera's user avatar
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2 answers

Anet A8 Z-Probe Bed Positioning going outside of bounds

I have an Anet A8 with the Anet 1.7 board, Skynet3d v2.3.2, and the stock sensor. I originally had this configuration with the stock extruder, but recently purchased an E3D v6 clone with a Bowden ...
capnjck's user avatar
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Anet A8 with Marlin firmware: Auto Home is crashing into bed

I got things moving from the answer to a previous question. Now, since the base-video I'm following is non-English, I want the next phase fixed: Probing failed ...
DoomerDGR8's user avatar
4 votes
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ANet A8 running Marlin v1.1.9 Auto Bedlevel with ROKO SN04-N

I'm trying to get the ROKO (SN04-N) sensor to work with my Anet A8. First of all, while trying to screw it to the extruder, I tightened it too much and sort of broke the acrylic plate... sort of. I ...
DoomerDGR8's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Nozzle jumps off the bed when using Marlin Mesh Bed Leveling

I am using Marlin firmware with a RAMPS board on an Anet A8 printer. The bed size for the printer is 220 x 220 mm and that is stated in the configuration.h file. ...
Krizzle's user avatar
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