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Questions tagged [tronxy]

For general questions related to Tronxy printers or the manufacturer Shenzhen Tronxy Technology Co., Ltd.

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My Z axis isn't moving when I home it but it moves on TFT display and Pronterface

I'm using an SKR 1.4 turbo with a Tronxy X5SA 500 Pro, TMC2209 stepper drivers with the dialogue pins cut because I'm using physical limit switches instead of sensor-less homing. The Z-axis moves up ...
Jay Hue's user avatar
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Why are the options for PID control commented out in Klipper config file?

I have a Tronxy VEHO-600 I'm currently vamping up with Klipper. I have a config file I got from a friend for a modified VEHO-600. My question is regarding the heater bed code block seen below: ...
General raid's user avatar
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looking for help setting up stepper motor code blocks in klipper printer.cfg file [closed]

the machine in question is a tronxy veho 600. i have obtained a printer.cfg file for a highly modified veho 600 but my one is standard bar the cr touch i have yet to install. the reason for this post ...
General raid's user avatar
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seeking out help writing a printer.cfg klipper file for a tronxy veho 600 [closed]

i recently took delivery of a tronxy veho 600, i found the standard firmware to be a major bottleneck so with the help of a raspberry pi 4b and a cr touch i am making some upgrades. unfortunately ...
General raid's user avatar
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Marlin firmware for X5SA example : MM_PER_ARC_SEGMENT Compilation Error

I have a Tronxy X5SA printer upon which I want to install the latest Marlin firmware v2.0.9.1. I take the configuration example on GitHub for the X5SA printer and modify the lines in ...
Julo0sS's user avatar
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TronXY X5S system (Marlin) - Very Slow menus

This is my board MKS Melzi v2.0 cloned I replaced the MCU (the actual IC) with new ATmega1284P 16 MHz, because the old MCU was damaged - the reason was that the fan got dusty and the power line ...
ioen jid's user avatar
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Tronxy Marlin boards (two of them) reboot when asked to heat bed

I have two Tronxy 2.0 V5 Marlin boards that reboot whenever heat is applied to the bed. The bed has been swapped (because I thought that was the problem) for a new shiny one. The thermistors, too, of ...
Peltier Cooler's user avatar