I'm using a Delta Wasp 2040 printer equipped with a clay extruder. I'm using Marlin firmware.
I'm trying to print food (vegetable creams) not PLA filament, but my question is about the setting of some of the parameters.
As reported in Marlin, the default values for X, Y, Z, E axes are:
* D e f a u l t A x i s S t e p s P e r U n i t ( s t e p s / m m ) * O v e r r i d e w i t h M 9 2 * X , Y , Z , E 0 [ , E 1 [ , E 2 [ , E 3 ] ] ] * /
#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT { 80, 80, 4000, 500 }
My questions are below:
The value 500 is intended as mm/min. If so, the actual value should be 8.33 step/mm of filament in a time of 1 s. Is this correct?
It is not clear, in my mind, the E-step that I can change in Cura. This is what I believe:
- If I leave in Cura, an E-step=0, then this means that I'm using the default value (500)?
- What happens if I change the E-step value in Cura for instance at +0400? Is it changed from 500 to 400 mm/min, or the value on Cura is intended as a percentage of the default value?
Can you explain to me exactly how the E-step changes when modifying its value in Cura.