A couple of weeks ago I have successfully built a 3D Printer and Printed an XYZ Calibration Cube with ABS material at bed temperature 80 °C.
Next Day I tried bed heating at bed temperature 80 °C,
Screen is blank
and it's not heating at all and showing Following error.
Bed Heating Failed Printer Halted Please Reset
Specification board
I use a RAMPS 1.4 running Marlin 1.1.X
I searched on Google and tried possible solutions but they are not working.
- I changed the thermistor and nothing happened, the old thermistor is also showing the same temperature.
- I connected 12V Supply Positive to SMPS (Switched-Mode Power Supply) and Negative to RAMPS 1.4 and not working
- I checked the Voltage at heat bed it's showing zero in spite connecting to SMPS
Please let me know how can I fix the problem?