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STL to STP CAD Conversion

a good way to convert a 3D print file like STL to STEP a useable file format for plastic injection molding companies I don't know much about plastic injection molding companies, but I do manipulate a ...
42Z0GqNNz's user avatar
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STL to STP CAD Conversion

It depends very much on the molding company, and how much engineering service you can afford to buy from them. Some will remodel your entire part anyway, to make it suitable for molding. Others will ...
Smitje's user avatar
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STL to STP CAD Conversion

The fact you may be able to produce a STP file is no guarantee the company will be able to injection mold it. You should ask the intended recipient of the file what are the actual requirements they ...
mac's user avatar
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STL to STP CAD Conversion

I've been able to manipulate an STL file using the hobbyist version (free) of Fusion 360. There's a series of steps involved that may require some research and experimentation, at least it did in my ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
3 votes

.STEP/.F3D to .SCAD file?

Actually there's a solution, albeit not directly from within openscad. I've just found this: You will need to install or build yourself ...
calocedrus's user avatar
3 votes

.STEP/.F3D to .SCAD file?

Even though OpenSCAD can import a variety of formats, the file structure will not be accepted by Thingiverse in the manner presented by the OP. OpenSCAD is a text-based description language. One ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
2 votes

.STEP/.F3D to .SCAD file?

I managed to get openscad-step-reader to compile, but I had to jump through a few hoops: Run the apt-get install command from the beginning of the Makefile: ...
WJG's user avatar
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1 vote

STL to STP CAD Conversion

I found a website, CadMesh, to convert the file for me. So far they are a free platform. I recommend to give it a shot. Doing some research on internet I also found this good tutorial: Bantam Tools ...
Bruno Loureiro's user avatar

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