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8 votes

Best practices to fix a threaded nut inside a print

One good option would be to - if possible - change the design, so the nut is inserted from the opposite side, so that the bolt just pulls it in tighter rather than pulling it out. Another option ...
Tom van der Zanden's user avatar
8 votes

How to tell if a nozzle is truly stainless steel?

Let's preface, that there are a LOT of metal identification methods. For example, I found this guide helpful and I had been at the scrapyard lately, where I have been told that 90+% of the time, steel ...
Trish's user avatar
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What are the effects of the elements on 3D printed objects made with "infused" PLA

The particles on the outmost part of the print which are exposed to air will rust. The ones inside will still be protected somewhat by the PLA. The rust color/effect is part of the idea, since it give ...
user77232's user avatar
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What are the effects of the elements on 3D printed objects made with "infused" PLA

If you use filaments filled with metal particles, some particles will be exposed to the environment. Depending on the corrosion resistance of those metals, yes the environmental conditions will ...
0scar's user avatar
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6 votes

What's a good way to secure bushings in a 3D printed part?

If the outside of the bushing will bond well to the epoxy, your method is simple and likely to be effective. You could use the same method used for threaded inserts by roughing the exterior of the ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
5 votes

Can I print jewelry without any loss of the precious metal?

The jewelry industry typically uses printers that print in wax, and transform the models into precious metal by lost wax casting. Statasys offers wax printing in their Solidscape line, 3D systems ...
Tom van der Zanden's user avatar
3 votes

Best practices to fix a threaded nut inside a print

Instead of super glue, you could try a two part epoxy resin (any brand should do, i.e. Bison Kombi Power or JB Weld). This may take longer to dry, than the super glue, but should be much stronger, and ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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3 votes

How to tell if a nozzle is truly stainless steel?

Stainless steel is created by adding elements (usually Chromium, but also Nickel) to steel. These added elements form an oxide layer with the outside air protecting the steel from corroding. Whether ...
0scar's user avatar
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2 votes

17-4 PH Tensile Test

According to our materials experts, you should always be careful interpreting the start of the force-displacement diagram. It is possible that the test needs to "set" itself, important issues are: ...
0scar's user avatar
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2 votes

Best practices to fix a threaded nut inside a print

Just heat the nut with a soldering iron to seat it into place (after the print). I've done this many times myself. EDIT: Try a bit of acetone, to allow the ABS near the nut to reflow.
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