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1 answer

What defines the 'straightness' of linear rods and how to measure it?

A few closely related questions about the straightness of linear rods. The 'straightness' of linear rods is vital for a 3D printer to function correctly and prevent things like Z-Banding or Z-Wobble. ...
Bob Ortiz's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Ender 3 Pro: X-axis moves too much during printing

I got an Ender 3 Pro yesterday and have been having a problem with all of my prints. Whenever the extrusion stops and the X-axis moves, it moves too far. For example, I tried printing a Benchy with 2 ...
DerFern's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

G28 X does not home the hotend

I have a classic Ender 3 running Marlin-2.1.1 on a BTT SKR v1.3 board with TMC 2130 drivers. Wifi is connected with ESP3D on an ESP32-CAM board connected to a TFT port. The X endstop is on the left ...
Hansa G's user avatar
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Wavy walls on one axis (not ringing)

I own an Ender 3 max and after I did a fan upgrade to the main board (In the progress I need to let the printer sit on the y axis motor and might bend something), there're wavy patterns on the wall ...
Pegasis's user avatar
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1 answer

G-code to get the 3D printer to shake resin bubbles off from a casting

While this is not directly 3D printing related, I intend to use my 3D printer (Labist's ET40) to shake air bubbles off of a resin casting. I printed parts, made a mould of them in silicon, then cast a ...
B7th's user avatar
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2 answers

Impact on 3D printer of movement forced over the limit

Faulty endstop caused the printer (a traditional cartesian FDM) to try to move over the maximum axis limit at top, the noise has been atrocious, I don't see damages (apparently) but I'm wondering if ...
AndreaF's user avatar
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Axes no longer moving Ender 5 Plus

The printer was working fine until the nozzle jammed, so I cleaned it out but accidentally unplugged the BLTouch. I plugged it straight back in again but now none of the axes will move at all, not ...
Pooley's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote
1 answer

Stepper motor moving only to one side after reset

I come through this post, rescue a problem with my printer. It uses Arduino 2560 Mega, RAMPS 1.4, and Marlin 1.1.9, which had configured it left it working as follows: on the RAMPS the Y-axis is ...
Blk Games News's user avatar
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Printing issue with X-axis motor

Here's an idea of what's going on. This is a picture of the progress during the first layer: Printing a simple calibration square, and as you can see, my X-axis is not moving like it should. I turned ...
Exce's user avatar
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0 answers

Considering size of smooth rod

I am making a DIY 3D printer based on the Prusa MINI. I want to ask what smooth rod size is great for a printer with a 20x20x20 cm print volume. I am planning on using a 8 mm rod for the z-axis and 6 ...
Leo Red's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Why can't my Ender 5 Pro remember its axis position or move back to home anymore?

I am completely new to 3D Printing. I got my first printer, a Creality Ender 5 Pro, yesterday. My problem I shutdown the printer without the axis being in home position (X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 320 instead of ...
WastedFreeTime's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do the MAX endstops work?

I’m building my new 3D printer and I have a doubt. I’m using limit switches on the 3 axes, but only the MIN switches. I also have another three switches which I want to use as MAX switches. How can I ...
Valeri 0S's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Drift and stuttering on prints

I stopped using my Monoprice Maker Ultimate (re-branded Wanahao Duplicator 6) for a couple of weeks and am getting a seemingly random drift with all my prints now when re-attempting printing. I also ...
MapPeddler's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to extend Marlin to support additional movement axis?

On a RAMPS 1.4 it is possible to mount 5 stepper motors: X,Y,Z steppers are used for ...
Scrooge McDuck's user avatar
1 vote
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Home E / extrude until endstop is triggered

I'm working on something that I'll share once it's done (then hope it's not a disaster and actually useful to someone). It requires a stepper to rotate a part by a certain amount of degrees, which I ...
McAbra's user avatar
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1 answer

Delta Printer: After Calibration X and Y Axis are slightly different

I noticed that my x axis is slightly longer than my y axis (~0.6%) if I print an object. What parameter in Marlin can be tuned to correct such issues? The rod length parameter seems to rather ...
dgrat's user avatar
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2 answers

Anet A2 3D printer suddenly will not home X and Y

I have been using my Anet A2 for about a year. A few problems but none that I haven't been able to resolve. Today it suddenly stopped auto homing. Using the position commands I can advance the X and ...
Peter's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Change Slic3r settings for left handed coordinate system

I made my printer to have a left handed coordinate system (it homes to the back left corner of the heatbed), I did this because it happens to make working on the printer easier for me. This, however, ...
Mehdi Nellen's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How to re-program Prusa firmware to accept a taller Z axis?

Machine specs: Prusa MK3, firmware version 3.1.2. Facts: I have designed a new Z-axis frame for my printer, so I can print models up to 360mm high in stead of the standard 210mm. The plan has worked ...
Kryss's user avatar
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Z height incorrect on calibration cube

I tried to print 30mm calibration cube with my TEVO Tarantula. I found that a few bottom layers was missing as shown in picture. I noticed that a few bottom layers looks thin during printing. Anyone ...
3ORZ's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Why all the excitement about linear rails?

Whenever a 3D printer that uses linear rails is announced (case in point: the cetus), the Internet (well... at least that corner of it dealing with 3D printing) gets abuzz with excitement. I ...
mac's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

XYZ cube's layer is shifted, How can I check my TEVO Tarantula axis?

I just bought new TEVO Tarantula and tried to print xyz cube. I found that my cube's layer was shifted as showed in picture. How can I fix this ?
3ORZ's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

I am looking for STL files of my Prusa i3 printer? [closed]

This is my 3D-printer, and I am looking for it's .stl parts to print. Also I don't know which kind of Prusa is it?
WDR's user avatar
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2 answers

Does a 5 axis 3D printer have any benefits over a regular 3 axis printer?

5AxisMaker has a 5 axis CNC/3D printer combo machine. I understand what the benefits of 5 axis are for CNC machines, but are there any benefits for 3D printing. In this video they show the printer ...
Eric Johnson's user avatar
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1 answer

How to map Cura printspace to Prusa I3 printspace

I seem to be observing a couple problems w/ Cura2.3 OSX . It seems to be placing the sliced data (gcode) over to negative X by a cm or so. Further, the X- and Y-axes displayed in Cura definitely map ...
Carl Witthoft's user avatar