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Questions tagged [arduino-mega-2650]

The Arduino Mega 2560 is one of the most common microprocessor boards used to control 3D printers. If you think your Arduino is part of your issue, you can use this tag.

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1 answer

Cloning an X axis on an Arduino Mega and RAMPS 1.4 shield

Cloning an X-axis on an Arduino Mega and RAMPS 1.4 shield To those that know; On the Arduino CNC shield used with the Arduino Uno there is an X-, Y-, Z- and an A-axis. The A-axis can be used as a ...
John Francis's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Marlin restarts when it starts printing in DIY 3D printer

I'm building my first 3D printer with a simple setup. I'm using: Marlin 2.0.5 Single extruder, heatbed, and fan Smart graphical screen RAMPS 1.4 Arduino Mega 2560 I have tried to set up the Marlin ...
fatemeh_p's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Would a 24 V/20 A PSU damage an Arduino Mega 2560?

I am planning to make my first printer which is a Prusa i3 MK2 clone and I want to use a 24 V/20 A PSU so that I can do upgrades in the future and I am wondering if there will be problems of using a ...
FrancisChristopher W's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Using dual Y stepper drivers on Marlin / RAMPS 1.4

I am building a DIY 3D printer, and my hw requirements are X, Y1, Y2, Z, and E0 steppers. All of them are supposed to be A4988. One hotend heater, no heatbed (by now). My board is an Arduino Mega 2560,...
RCecinati's user avatar
0 votes
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Adjust shape dimension in UGS G-code software

I am quite new to CNC. May I ask how to reduce the length per pixel for the entire triangle? I want the template length, height, and every dimension to be reduced by 10 times, which means the height ...
jessica smith's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is my RAMPS 1.4 board fried?

I was adjusting the current on my Pololu stepper drivers when I accidentally fried two of my stepper drivers when I accidentally shorted the contacts with my multimeter probes. When I changed the ...
kuday tosun's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can I use a Arduino Mega Clone with a RAMPS 1.4 shield?

I'm trying to build my own 3D-printer and I'm considering using a RAMPS 1.4 shield on an Arduino Mega 2560 as the controller. I could save $30-40 by using a clone Arduino Mega (not the official one) ...
rohandhar's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How can a speaker or active buzzer be connected to the Arduino 2560/RAMPS 1.4 boards to provide alerts in response to M300 commands in the g-code

My Prusa i3 does not appear to have any sound device incorporated. I've read "Writing G-Code: Audible Alert at end of print" and it seems everything needed to implement audible alerts is ...
allardjd's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is my PSU turning on and off automatically?

I have 12 V/30 A PSU. I have also installed the firmware onto the Arduino Mega2560. But the problem is that the display on the LCD keeps turning on and off automatically (it's stuck on the Marlin logo ...
Michael's user avatar
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3 answers

Can I connect a PSU with a higher current rating than RAMPS 1.4 can handle?

I have a 12 V/30 A power supply. Will a RAMPS 1.4 shield burn if I use that power supply with it?
Michael's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What is the maximum input ratings for current, voltage and power for RAMPS 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6?

I need to know the maximum input for current, voltage and power for: RAMPS 1.4 RAMPS 1.5 RAMPS 1.6 I want to build a DIY 3D printer. RAMPS 1.6 can deliver only 270 W. but if I total my heatbed + ...
Michael's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How should I connect a separated 5 V source to an Arduino connected to a RAMPS board

I'm going to add a Raspberry Pi to my printer, which requires a 5 V source. I want to take this opportunity to also power the Arduino with that same source, as dropping 12 V -> 5 V is a quite big ...
leloctai's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Marlin: Switch Y to E1

I have an Anycubic Kossel with Trigorilla Motherboard, Mega2560+RAMPS1.4. I'm using Marlin 2_0_bugfix My Y connector is not working anymore so I would like to use E1 connector as Y. I found a very ...
Davinho's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

New RAMPS 1.6 not working

I just bought a new RAMPS 1.6 shield to replace my old RAMPS 1.4 shield. The problem is that it's just not working, the motors don't move, heatbed/nozzle don't get heated. It was all working with the ...
Jagraj Singh's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

MOSFET burned and high heated bed resistance

I am a newbie to 3D printing and I am making a 3D printer from scratch (Cartesian). I've got a RAMPS 1.4 shield and an Arduino Mega 2560 board. I have a few questions and it would be very nice if I ...
Jagraj Singh's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

CoreXY with 8 bit board problems

I know that CoreXY kinematics is very complex and hard to calculate for the firmware making it better to use a 32-bit board. For some reason, I can't use any 32-bit board. What problems will occur if ...
Mahan Lamee's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Marlin keeps restarting when I push the LCD controller button

I am new here and also new for the 3D printers world. I have built a 3D printer myself. Everything seems okay, but, when I install Marlin firmware I can't use the printer. While my printer is ...
turguttak's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is 12V and 15A enough to make work a Ramps 1.6 Plus and two stepper motors?

I want to make an order with this configuration Arduino MEGA 2650 R3 Ramps 1.6 Plus 2 TMC2130 2 Stepper motors 17hs3401 1 Fan But I am not sure what voltage and current would be enough to make it ...
ChesuCR's user avatar
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How do I access Configuration.h?

I am very new to 3D printing and I am trying to adjust my firmware. I use the Arduino IDE 1.8.12. I downloaded the firmware from GitHub that suits my printer, but every time that I try to open the <...
mcdon482's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Stepper motors not working when connected to RAMPS 1.4

Stepper motors are not working when connected to RAMPS board in the X,Y,Z pins. I used A4988 drivers and the Arduino board is an original version. I checked the input voltage to the RAMPS board, it's ...
vidya's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to extend Marlin to support additional movement axis?

On a RAMPS 1.4 it is possible to mount 5 stepper motors: X,Y,Z steppers are used for ...
Scrooge McDuck's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Prusa i3, MK3: Firmware updated to 3.8.0. Display shows white blocks

About the printer: Prusa I3 MK3 [Sintron] Arduino Mega 2560 (just replaced) Replaced LCD / Smart controller FIRMWARE 3.8.0 Steps I have already tried: Replaced faulty Arduino Failed to flash ...
JamesJSkier's user avatar
3 votes
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Arduino Mega and RAMPS 1.4 not responding

I was working on upgrading my Anet A8 to a RAMPS 1.4 running on Marlin. I had everything ready to go and had plugged it in to see if it worked. It seemed to be working so I tried to home it and my y ...
Rocket_Man's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Marlin on Arduino Mega 2650 and RAMPS 1.4

I have been messing around trying to flash marlin 1.1 onto my Arduino Mega 2650 and RAMPS 1.4. I have Managed to get it to upload fine however it will not upload with the LCD I want. I am trying to ...
Rocket_Man's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Using extruder motor as 4th axis

I am currently working with a hobbyist robotic arm (uArm Swift Pro) which runs a modified version of Marlin 3D printing firmware. The arm can be used as a 3D printer as well thus it has an extruder ...
Erik's user avatar
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MKS GEN L looks dead

In an attempt to upgrade my Ender 3 to TMC2208, I bought an MKS GENL 1.0 board from Banggood, but it doesn't get recognized from the Windows Device Manager at all: ...
Roberto Lo Giacco's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Configuring of MKS_GEN_L V1.0

I've bought a new "MKS GEN_L V1.0" and I'm trying to configure it with Marlin 1.1.X. I changed motherboard in configuration.h from previous: ...
2012User's user avatar
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How to test Arduino Mega, RAMPS 1.4 and Full Graphic Smart Controller LCD?

Unfortunately, my extruder 8825 driver ended up fried. I guess this might have damaged the Arduino Mega and RAMPS Board. I tested the Arduino Mega and I'm pretty sure that it is fried too, so I ...
2012User's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Free UARTs TX and RX pins on CR-10S motherboard

I have a WiFi module that only needs two wires connection to work. These are RX and TX pins connected to Arduino or the CR-10S printer board but I don't know if there is any physical or software UARTs ...
Programmer's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Stepper motors are not working when connected with RAMPS 1.4

ISSUE: Stepper motors are not working when connected with RAMPS 1.4. OBSERVATION: The LED lights(LED 2,3,4) in the RAMPS 1.4 is not powering up. PRACTICES: I use Arduino Mega 2560 and installed ...
Baalaji V's user avatar
  • 169
4 votes
1 answer

MKS board losing power after endstop installation

I just bought an MKS gen v1.3, and everything on it works fine except for when I plug in the endstops. My X endstop works perfectly in every endstop outlet, but when I plug in my Z and Y endstops, the ...
TECTEC3 Studios's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Thermister stops reading temp after a few seconds. (Marlin 1.1.8, Tronxy X5s stock Melzi board)

I think it's best that I explain what my issue is before I explain how I arrived here. I have a Tronxy x5s with a stock board that I am repairing for the sake of repairing, even though I know I should ...
Giandroid's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Linking an Arduino Mega with RAMPS and an Arduino Uno with CNC Shield to control more stepper motors using Marlin firmware

I've been looking for this for a while, and it looks like no one has tried it before. Does anyone know if there is a way to link an Arduino Mega with RAMPS as master, with an Arduino Uno with a CNC ...
avc's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Ramps 1.4 with a power brick

I'm currently designing a RepRap 3D printer that will not have a heated bed. I have heard that it is possible to use a power brick with commercial printers lacking heatbeds. Is this possible with a ...
TECTEC3 Studios's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I use MEGA pin number designations rather than RAMPS pin numbers in marlin

I am designing my own shield for the MEGA2650 that I will use to control my printer. When defining pins in the marlin firmware, the pin numbers are the pin numbers of the RAMPS shield and not the ...
12345's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Printrun doesn't connect when 12 V is on

I'm able to connect to Arduino+RAMPS through USB. I can even check end stops with M119. However, if I plug it to the power supply, my MacBook goes crazy and restart ...
morevitamins's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Z axis at print is lower than when I home

I replaced the controller board in my Monoprice Select Mini with an Arduino/Ramps setup and compiled an uploaded Marlin 1.1.0-RC8 to run it. I've got most everything calibrated and working with one ...
Jeff's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Arduino 3D printer sketch [closed]

I'm building an automatic warehouse system using three NEMA 17 stepper motor. My problem is to move the motors with precision, since I do not have any kind of encoder on the motor and so I cannot ...
Luca Daidone's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Has anyone used a Shield Buddy (en lieu of a Arduino Mega2560) as the RAMPS 1.4 host board?

I have read a few times1 that the Arduino Mega can struggle to perform the tasks required for 3D printer control, as the AVR chip is working at its limits, and this is why some manufacturers have ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

How to directly send G-code to printer from a Linux terminal?

Should it be possible to directly send G-code to the printer serial connection using pipes under Linux? Example: echo M106 > /dev/ttyUSB0 My controller runs ...
Mtl Dev's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Wanhao i3 PLUS restarts when connecting USB

I just received my Wanhao Duplicator i3 PLUS. Everything prints and functions fine via SD card and the display but when connecting to my Mac computer the printer seems to restart. Baud Rate: 115200 ...
JRomero's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Uploading Repetier firmware to Arduino?

I have a prusa i3 and have been trying to calibrate it. I have been trying to upload the new steps per mm and I get to done uploading. However when I go into Repetier host and type M503 to get the ...
Dakota Miller's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How can I program a 3D printer to move using Arduino?

I search about that topic, but all what I found, was the mechanical part of the 3d printer. But I didn't find, how to program it using arduino. I want to make a cartesian 3d printer. I don't have a ...
mamdouh abdelfatah's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the MightyBoard 1280 IO used for?

While I've worked on fixing my voltage regulator on my MightyBoard, I've noticed an extra set of pins available labeled Atmega 1280 IO. I've tried finding documentation on what these pin can be used ...
tbm0115's user avatar
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7 votes
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Using an Arduino Mega with burnt voltage regulator

Due to a not-given compatibility with Makerbot mechanical endstop wiring (and carelessness on my side) I ended up burning the voltage regulator on my Arduino Mega 2560. Now, powering the Arduino ...
kamuro's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why does my MKS Base not recognize my thermistors?

I recently upgraded my Geeetech Acrylic Prusa i3 with a MKS Base V1.4 and it would not recognize the thermistors (100K {type 1}) even though they worked fine with the Arduino Mega 2560 with the RAMPS ...
BYE's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Marlin menu navigation slow while printing

My Kossel Mini printer (delta) has RAMPS1.4/Arduino Mega electronics configured to use a standard 20x4 LCD display with Marlin during printing. Often, navigating the menus during print can be ...
Tormod Haugene's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Tips for not burning out my Arduino Mega or catching something on fire when wiring a Prusa i3?

I'm reading about wiring up the electronic components to my Prusa i3 using an Arduino Mega 2650 and Ramps 1.4. I have step sticks, a heated bed, and a Switching Power Supply 12v Dc 30a 360w (more ...
leeand00's user avatar
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