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How to use a BLTouch or equivalent touch probe to 3D scan objects with a 3D printer?

I don't know the probe, but I have used a delta 3D printing machine (of my design) to scan a surface. It takes some time. Your resolution will be limited by the probe geometry of the touch probe tip....
cmm's user avatar
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3DTouch triggers way too close

That it triggers when the nozzle is about 1 mm from the build plate is how it is supposed to work. The installation manual describes how to setup the sensor. The mount needs to be adjustable so that ...
0scar's user avatar
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G28 ignoring Z-Probe X/Y Offsets

You need to enable the constant Z_SAFE_HOMING (like: #define Z_SAFE_HOMING) in your printer configuration file (if you're using ...
0scar's user avatar
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Ender 3 weird drop in bed level

Considering this is an Ender, it is probably caused by the rollers on the X axis or the un-driven right Z post. I've also seen behavior like this caused by a too constraint PTFE Bowden tube, at the ...
0scar's user avatar
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Artillery Sidewinder X1 3DTouch not working

Ok so I did a bit of testing with the wiring and it turns out I just had the 3DTouch in the Z- socket instead of Z+ :-) . Another idiot mistake from me!
Artichoke's user avatar
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G28 ignoring Z-Probe X/Y Offsets

Use Z Safe Homing to avoid homing with a Z probe outside the bed area According to Marlin firmware with this feature enabled: Allow Z homing only after X and Y ...
Mayoogh Girish's user avatar
1 vote

Can't make Ender 3 V1 Level

You need to check the X gantry, the Ender design is flawed by using a single Z screw on one side. Please check the rollers and check the belt tension. All the leveling graphs show that the bed is ...
0scar's user avatar
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Can't make Ender 3 V1 Level

One red flag: I have also put a straight edge with an Angle Finder Phone App. The bed is quite level. It reads 0, 1, or 2° depending on how I place the level. X-axis gantry has a 1° tilt. "...
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE's user avatar
1 vote

BLTouch type sensor Z not compensating

So I discovered that the fade height must have been set to something really off. I didn't know this at the time so I thought I should set the fade height to the default 10 mm just to make sure nothing ...
Artichoke's user avatar
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BLTouch type sensor Z not compensating

I have the exact same printer and had the same issue using the same probe. What fixed it for me was adding a M420 S1 after G29.
snug's user avatar
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BLTouch type sensor Z not compensating

There is something not correct in your configuration file. You mention the use of an upgraded controller board from an MKS GEN L to a MKS GEN L v2.1. ...the original was MKS Gen L v1.0 , the new one ...
0scar's user avatar
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BLTouch type sensor Z not compensating

I am not the best with firmware modifications or anything like that, but you could try running your printer through OctoPrint and do the bed leveling through that and maybe that might fix the problem ...
alexjshepler's user avatar
1 vote

3DTouch sensor fails after probe deployment and triggering

After troubleshooting I have managed to fix the sensor problems. (Please take note of the update at the end of the answer below as the problem started again shortly after the so-called fix...) Digging ...
0scar's user avatar
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