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30 votes

How to set Z-probe boundary limits in firmware when using automatic bed leveling?

There are a few questions on this topic, so a more generic solution would be informative and will prevent multiple questions of others when their sensor has a slightly different location. This answer ...
0scar's user avatar
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16 votes

Specifying Z offset in Marlin firmware

Z-offset persitently stored in memory? Maybe the value of -2.97 for the Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER is retained in the EEPROM ...
0scar's user avatar
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13 votes

How to increase the amount of probing points for a BLTouch sensor in Marlin firmware?

You need to change the constant value(s) in your Configuration.h file of your Marlin version from: // Set the number of grid points per dimension. #define GRID_MAX_POINTS_X 3 #define ...
0scar's user avatar
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11 votes

Inductive Sensor in 24 V machine?

The inductive sensors work better when you apply a higher voltage than 5 V. Usually they are rated for 6-36 V, but please do check. To prevent frying your board when connecting the sensor ...
0scar's user avatar
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10 votes

Using auto-bed leveling, do I need to initiate G29 before every print?

No, it is not necessary to call G29 before every print to "auto level the bed" 1) provided that: the bed surface has not changed (e.g. large load or ...
0scar's user avatar
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8 votes

Z-offset: 0.2 mm, 0.1 mm or the thickness of paper?

They are all generic guidelines. Don't count on them too much. What you need is a reproducible offset to get the same value everywhere in the bed, then you can correct the overall offset via gcode at ...
FarO's user avatar
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5 votes

Marlin's bed leveling Mesh Validation Pattern ignoring home offset

A Marlin developer confirmed that bed-leveling and probing are now performed entirely in the machine coordinate space. To clarify further, if one has a non-zero home offset enabled, the following ...
Ian Mackinnon's user avatar
5 votes

What does Marlin's G30 code do?

I believe G30 is a carry-over from CNC (G-code originated for CNC not printers) I believe it is for going to a secondary reference (home) position and includes an ...
markshancock's user avatar
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5 votes

How can microswitch-based automatic bed leveling probes be possibly reliable and accurate?

I use them both for my Ender 3 home-against-bed and for my delta-calibration probe, and they work reasonably well. Of course, as noted in a comment by Fritz, you should remove the metal lever arm, as ...
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE's user avatar
4 votes

Auto bed levelling with Rumba board - Servo not deploying

For future reference. My issue about the servo not moving was caused by a wiring mistake. The Exp. 3 has 14 pins has per this diagram. However when phisically looking at the board, what you see is ...
FeliceM's user avatar
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4 votes

Inductive Sensor in 24 V machine?

Another possibility is to create a voltage divider circuit. In electronics, a voltage divider (also known as a potential divider) is a passive linear circuit that produces an output voltage (...
0scar's user avatar
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3 votes

Wiring Z-stop directly to hot end and aluminum bed / spacers

Aluminium is conductive, but aluminium oxide is not, which is just so what there (unavoidably, since aluminium rapidly oxidises in air) happens to be a thin layer of on top of your bed. The coating is ...
Tom van der Zanden's user avatar
3 votes

Why does my DIY printer start printing in air?

If the cad model was imported from Solidworks into Simplify3D. Push "Center and Arrange" button to place the model in the middle of the Heat Bed. There might be a gap between the object and bed level ...
2012User's user avatar
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3 votes

3DTouch triggers way too close

That it triggers when the nozzle is about 1 mm from the build plate is how it is supposed to work. The installation manual describes how to setup the sensor. The mount needs to be adjustable so that ...
0scar's user avatar
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3 votes

Auto bed levelling with Rumba board - Servo not deploying

General note, I do not have this board so I cannot test these steps myself, read the documentation in configuration.h, it is very detailed and should guide you pretty well. I am specifically looking ...
Jexoteric's user avatar
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3 votes

Z offset incorrect

Your question is a little hard to pin down, but I'll try to help anyway. :-) Z-Offset: It appears you may be misunderstanding the way z-offset is supposed to work especially when it comes to Marlin ...
Chris Thompson's user avatar
3 votes

Auto bed leveling with BL Touch sensor crashing to bed

As it turns out, my Z-axis carriage mount to the X-axis was bent, causing the nozzle to touch the bed before the proble could get a chance to detect anything. Manually bending it back to the correct ...
Léobaillard's user avatar
3 votes

Marlin NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET with glass

You can define the probe offset (or better the trigger point to bed level distance) in the array definition of NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET, but it is not the usual and ...
0scar's user avatar
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3 votes

Replacement Z Probe for MP10

From Thingiverse you can find a BLTouch mount for the MP10 (and MP10 mini): Note that in order to use the BLTouch sensor you need a different controller board that supports connecting a BLTouch ...
0scar's user avatar
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3 votes

First layer Z-offset in G-code

I don't understand the reasoning behind a first layer having a different offset from the following layers, but, You can manually add a re-definition of the current height after the first layer, ...
0scar's user avatar
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2 votes

Unable to install auto-bed levelling sensor into my Anet A8

The sensor is working correctly, but the signal is inverted. Take the obvious solution: invert the endstop from being normally open to normally closed or vice-versa in your firmware. If you still ...
Tom van der Zanden's user avatar
2 votes

Marlin: possible to set ZMin limit when ZProbing?

You have not stated the version of Marlin you are using. I will assume we are discussing the latest Marlin 1.1 RC8. There is no longer any Z_PROBE_DEPLOY_HEIGHT but in earlier Marlin versions it did ...
Dave Johnson's user avatar
2 votes

Autobed leveling doesn't compensate

I found the issue. As I mentioned in my question UPDATE, trying to print something that cover the full bed, the ABL was not working. The issue was the Gcode I added after the G29. In fact for some ...
FeliceM's user avatar
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2 votes

Which proximity sensor to use?

Tomas Sanladerer has produced a nice video on this topic: @ 7:31 you see an overview of the precision of various sensors, including the ones you mention. ...
0scar's user avatar
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2 votes

MKS Sbase Probing

After testing my z-min endstop pins, I found out that I could trigger the probe manually by using a jumper wire between Signal and Ground. I then used a NPN MOSFET to connect the sensor to the endstop ...
Kiro's user avatar
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2 votes

How to connect optocoupler module to ABL sensor and Ender 3 board

Connecting is pretty straightforward like the other modules, difference is an extra input lead. From e.g. here: Module interface description: DC+: Positive DC power supply. DC- : Negative DC power ...
0scar's user avatar
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2 votes

Inductive Sensor in 24 V machine?

Minimalist Solution The very simplest possible implementation is to use a single resistor(!) to protect the input pin, as described in this source. The AVR inputs are protected from over/under ...
JPC's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I use a 12 V single channel optocoupler module in a 24 V machine?

You can safely use the module with 24V. The input side shows a red LED, optocoupler and 1k resistor in series. The LED and optocoupler probably have a voltage drop in the neighbourhood of 3.1-3.5&...
Tom van der Zanden's user avatar
2 votes

G28 ignoring Z-Probe X/Y Offsets

You need to enable the constant Z_SAFE_HOMING (like: #define Z_SAFE_HOMING) in your printer configuration file (if you're using ...
0scar's user avatar
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2 votes

Severe regression in print quality after adding Z probe

Even with Auto Mesh Bed Leveling, you need to level the bed as good as you can. Your leveling grid show it varies between -0.403 and +0.145, that is about 0.55 mm or about 2-3 layers of filament (0.2 ...
Trish's user avatar
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