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8 votes

How does acetone "rejuvenate" PEI?

Rejuvenate is probably a bit of an exaggerated term. The number one adhesion suppressor is grease. The stuff that comes off of the fingers used to handle the sheet. Even if you are careful and only ...
anttix's user avatar
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5 votes

Acetone smoothing not working on ABSPlus-P430

Make sure that your acetone is actually acetone. According to the MSDS, ABSPlus-P430 is indeed "ABS resin" so acetone smoothing should work. Some companies sell confusingly-labeled products that might ...
Tom van der Zanden's user avatar
4 votes

PRUSA likes the bed to be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol. What else should I use?

Ethanol (Ethyl Alcohol) should work just fine as long as it's around 80% or more. It's very similar to isopropanol as a cleaning solvent. What you're basically doing is removing any stray grease from ...
Stuggi's user avatar
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3 votes

Acetone Smoothing an ABS Cone - (New to 3D printing)

is it possible to smooth the surface of my print without loosing shape? That is by definition impossible. Smoothing the surface implies that the geometry is changed. Rather, the question is: how much ...
Tom van der Zanden's user avatar
3 votes

What filaments are resistant to acetone?

To answer your question you can either check one by one the datasheets from Polymaker, which provide various statements about it (weak acids, strong acids, oil, solvants, and so on) for all their ...
FarO's user avatar
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2 votes

I need an acetone substitute

The answer really depends on what you are using it for. Is it for dissolving ABS? A quick google search should show you what you want. The thread, Could you recommend me a suitable alternative to ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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2 votes

What filaments are resistant to acetone?

Not the easiest filament to print, but nylon is a contender. According to CP Lab Safety web site, nylon rates A-Excellent in resistance to acetone. If you require the components to be glued together, ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
1 vote

How to clean / remove frosting from build-surface

Acetone should not be used for cleaning build surfaces. It attacks most plastics, probably including whatever Buildtak-clone is made of. It probably won't immediately ruin it, but it will degrade the ...
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE's user avatar
1 vote

PRUSA likes the bed to be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol. What else should I use?

The Prusa manual also states that you can use Windex for PET-G: use Windex instead as it degreases less thoroughly. Also works with PLA, I've tested it, but for assured adherence, I also use a ...
Migster's user avatar
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1 vote

PRUSA likes the bed to be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol. What else should I use?

Dish soap will remove grease very well. Once you rinse it with a moist sponge and dry with a clean cloth most residues will be gone.
FarO's user avatar
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1 vote

I need an acetone substitute

I have used DCM (dichloromethane, or ethylene dichloride) to dissolve ABS (or cold-weld/glue parts together). From ABS wikipedia page: ABS polymers are resistant to aqueous acids, alkalis, ...
khaverim's user avatar
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