PRUSA likes the bed to be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol. What else should I use?
Ethanol (Ethyl Alcohol) should work just fine as long as it's around 80% or more. It's very similar to isopropanol as a cleaning solvent. What you're basically doing is removing any stray grease from ...
Nozzle cleaning tool broken inside nozzle
Your best fix is to get a replacement nozzle. Nozzles are relatively cheap. Having and replacing them on a regular basis is a good thing. Replacement can help you maintain proper printing. You can ...
Is there any reason not to clean nozzles with fire?
If you carbonize the filament or other particles that are clogging the nozzle, then you will never get them clean. In my experience, it's not worth cleaning the nozzle with anything other than ...
What should I use to clean buildtak(knock off)?
Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) is the general recommendation I've heard and it works well for me.
Acetone making white stains on heat bed
Acetone is quite an aggressive solvent, so white residue could be part of your heatbed print surface that is dissolved, and then when the acetone evaporates the dissolved part crystalise on the ...
Cleaning IPA with the help of Mercury wash-and-cure?
Based on the frequencies of most UV cure resins, your suggestion has merit. Other factors come into consideration, however.
These illumination devices have a limited life span. Running the UV diodes ...
Methylated spirits or turpentine to clean resin printer?
I would personally stick to isopropanol. Be aware that 3D printing is a very expensive hobby, but health wise this is a better option. Methylated spirits can quickly become dangerous, and often can ...
What should I use to clean buildtak(knock off)?
For BuildTak, my first recommendation is isopropyl alcohol (aka rubbing alcohol or isopropanol). Readily available just about anywhere basic medical supplies are sold, it cuts though light oils and ...
Making a 3D printed surface easily cleanable
There is a huge difference between "Certified food -safe" and "is actually perfectly safe for you to use at home" . – Carl Witthoft Sep 18 '18 at 14:54
Regarding certified food safe I point to Ender ...
How can I clean out internal channels in an SLS polypropylene print?
Since this was asked more than 2 years ago I don't expect an answer is still necessary but it might help someone else.
We recently had a PA print with 5 mm internal channels, mostly straight but one ...
How do I clean melted PLA form an Ender 5 Pro flex build plate?
Print more PLA on top of them, and pull it off together.
First, of course, clean it well with IPA. This will both ensure there's no oil or other material on top of the PLA that will ...
Appropriate Grease for Z-Axis Lead Screws
Personally I put a drop of light machine oil on the lead screw just above the Y gantry between prints, while the head is down. When it prints, the lead screw raises the gantry and the threads spread ...
Acetone making white stains on heat bed
If you use a build surface such as PEI, acetone frosts your surface, leaving a white film appearance. If you have no additional surface on a glass or metal bed, it is incomplete cleaning. If ...
How should I remove the resin from the resin tank?
when moving the printer to a new room I would just remove the tank and then carefully move the tank to the new room after you moved the printer.
If you really need to empty the tank: The tank usually ...
How to clean / remove frosting from build-surface
Acetone should not be used for cleaning build surfaces. It attacks most plastics, probably including whatever Buildtak-clone is made of. It probably won't immediately ruin it, but it will degrade the ...
Will prolonged expose to IPA damage uncured prints?
From experience (using eSun water washable grey). I had a print with a thin wall (~0.5mm) that I left in 99.8% IPA over night (<24 hours). The next morning, the thin wall had cracked, almost like ...
Do print issues (extrusion, blockage, etc...) become less of a problem with more expensive printers?
I got solved the most problems with my Prusa Mini after a better extruder from Bondtech (Extruder for Prusa Mini or Mini+). Because it has double gear it has enough power to press the filament through ...
Do print issues (extrusion, blockage, etc...) become less of a problem with more expensive printers?
No not at all. The only way to eliminate issues is to practice and break things and learning how to fix it. I have 2 CR-10s, 1 CR-10S5, 1 CR-10 MINI, and 2 Anycubic Photons. They are all heavily ...
Home-brew alcohol to clean resin prints
Isopropyl-Alcohol - Propan-2-ol - and Ethyl alcohol - Ethan-1-ol - are different chemically. As a secondary alcohol, Propan-2-ol has quite different solubility of different materials than ethyl-...
Removed Nozzle, Plastic Still Backed Up after Cold Pull on Ender 3
I have encountered this many times. This is how I solved it:
Sadly you have to disassemble the entire hotend. Remove the nozzle, remove the heatbreak and heatsink leaving the heater block in place, it ...
SLA printers: safety with resin contaminated disposals
The IPA with the resin in it is a chemical waste and toxic to nature. As such, it needs to be given to a chemical waste handler. But those handlers do charge by volume, so you need to find a way to ...
PRUSA likes the bed to be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol. What else should I use?
The Prusa manual also states that you can use Windex for PET-G:
use Windex instead as it degreases less thoroughly.
Also works with PLA, I've tested it, but for assured adherence, I also use a ...
PRUSA likes the bed to be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol. What else should I use?
Dish soap will remove grease very well. Once you rinse it with a moist sponge and dry with a clean cloth most residues will be gone.
What should I use to clean buildtak(knock off)?
Besides IPA (80 %), which is one of the best cleaners for general pourpose, 99 % ethanol ("Spiritus") can work as a good substitute.
Acetone too can be used on BuildTak and its clones in a pitch ...
Methylated spirits or turpentine to clean resin printer?
Are you for real?
Isopropyl alcohol is less dangerous to your health than ethanol with a touch of denaturant?
Seriously read the MSDS sheets for the products and know what's in them before you say ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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