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5 votes

CoreXY Calibration Issue

Oscar's answer is the correct solution to this issue. My printer was printing skewed and there is a built in correction for this in Marlin. Unfortunately the X5S does not have a boot loader and I don'...
Perplexed Dipole's user avatar
5 votes

CoreXY Calibration Issue

Indeed, even belt tension is important, what helped me enormously to set the same tension in the belts on my self build CoreXY is a tool like this: Furthermore, be sure that you do not have any ...
0scar's user avatar
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4 votes

CoreXY Carriage moves on the Y when moving the X

For a CoreXY printer to move an axis (X or Y) it requires both stepper motors to turn. If both turn the same direction (at the same speed with the same pulleys), the X-axis will move, if they rotate ...
0scar's user avatar
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3 votes

Tronxy X5S losing steps during print

I had the same issue with my X5S when I first got it assembled. Because it's CoreXY, if one pulley slips, you'll skip steps in the diagonal. Check both set screws on your pulleys for the X and Y.
EnigmaticManiac's user avatar
2 votes

Configure Marlin for tool changing system

Use a servo. This way you can use the digital pins to control it; or in your specific case PWM_PC9 Connect it to the expansion port and configure one of the digital ...
user77232's user avatar
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2 votes

CraftBot XL (CoreXY) part of x-axis movement resistance / high force required

I'm going to answer this myself, as I believe I have found the issue. It was purely a mechanical issue. On this particular model, the extruder motor rides just on top of / above the crossbar that the ...
Floris's user avatar
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2 votes

How does an H-bot printer work?

The CoreXY kinematics can be seen as an evolution of the H-bot kinematics. In Marlin, you both need to configure the printer as a CoreXY machine. Note that your steps are determined by the pulleys in ...
0scar's user avatar
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2 votes

Which kinematic system has the highest quality?

The tradeoffs in these systems are all about quality achievable at particular speed and acceleration profiles. If you really don't care about speed at all and want maximum accuracy, you probably want ...
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE's user avatar
1 vote

How to start a print in the center position after a change in parameters using M92 and M500 G-code

Every time I.m will go to print, if turn off the machine, the process to be need repeat, in other words, the gcode M500 doesn't work. This tells me that your firmware has the EEPROM support needed ...
Trish's user avatar
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1 vote

How graduate the correct belt tension

Experienced users of the printers just know it by feel, but for newbies there are apps for Android, like: Belt tension meter (Newtons) Easy Tension (lbf) There are probably iPhone apps like that, I ...
SF.'s user avatar
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1 vote

How center the nozzle before start printing

You have defined your bed incorrectly in the firmware. First line you print is at X=2, while it is printed a couple of centimeters from the edge. Second the final cube is not in the center of the bed ...
0scar's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it normal for belt tension to differ between sides of a CoreXY printer?

If you are referring to the tension in a single belt, but ar different positions, the tension is everywhere the same. It is one belt, the force/tension is the same in the belt. If the length of the ...
0scar's user avatar
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1 vote

CoreXY limit switch locations

LS1 & 2 are considered for the X-axis Yes, these correspond to X-max and X-min, respectfully. LS3 & 4 are for the Y-axis Yes, these correspond to Y-min and Y-max, respectfully. do I need ...
0scar's user avatar
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1 vote

Problems with X axis movement

After many hours tinkering, pulling things apart, testing them and re-assembling them, it turned out that the problem was a broken wire for the X_Min endstop. This has now been replaced and the ...
Ramblin' Sid Rumpo's user avatar
1 vote

Layer Shift with a new CoreXY printer

Shifts in a diagonal direction in CoreXY indicate loss of synch between the two belts. If it's the belt very loose skipping, you may not hear much but such a loose belt is easy to notice. If it's the ...
FarO's user avatar
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Do I need linear rails on a corexy printer's z-axis while already having quality lead screws at hand?

Using rails for Z is overkill. They are stiffer than smooth rods, but for Z axis that's not needed. Using only the leadscrew may be enough, especially in designs with three of them, but if you have ...
FarO's user avatar
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CoreXY with 8 bit board problems

CoreXY should not require calculations which can slow down a board. Also, a normal Marlin becomes CPU limited often before 100 mm/s on 8 bit boards due to arc interpolation and other processing. ...
FarO's user avatar
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CoreXY with 8 bit board problems

You can use an 8-bit controller board for a CoreXY kinematics 3D printer. The calculations are not so complicated opposed to those for a Delta. My Hypercube Evolution uses a RUMBA controller board ...
0scar's user avatar
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1 vote

Which kinematic system has the highest quality?

Just to clarify: Examples of kinematic systems would be Cartesian (which includes CoreXY), Delta, Scara, and Six-Axis. The quality of the system has less to do with the system and more to do with the ...
user77232's user avatar
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