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6 votes

What is this part and does it have to do with my my z-position is messed up?

Limiter Switch/Endstop That is the lever that is meant to trigger your Z-Endstop. The variant used in your case is on the cheaper end and is meant to look similar to this QIAOH KN12-1 limit switch: ...
Trish's user avatar
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6 votes

Does moving the z-endstop upwards affect the maximum height of the printable object?

If you move up the end stop such that it raises the nozzle with respect to the build platform you lose height, so basically the answer is yes. But, as seen in your referenced question, your nozzle ...
0scar's user avatar
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5 votes

TEVO Tarantula Z-Axis Lowering Too Far After Endstop Triggered

The soldering in the Tevo components is very low quality as I replaced/resoldered most of the end-stops. As the gantry goes down - please ensure that the cable is not pulled over (no contact) and ...
profesor79's user avatar
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Z-axis endstop not functioning after Marlin Firmware installation

After gaining more of an understanding of how Marlin works, I decided to look through the the pins file for the motherboard I am using "pins_ULTIMAIN_2.h". Sure enough, It had a the wrong pin number ...
Jeff Clark's user avatar
5 votes

Which endstops are most precise?

Thomas Sanladerer performed exactly the comparison you ask. Check the whole video. The result is that inductive sensors are the most accurate, but they are highly dependent on the bed material chosen....
FarO's user avatar
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4 votes

Which endstops are most precise?

I don't think there is a simple answer. In my opinion, for a home sensor accuracy doesn't matter. Firmware usually allows setting an offset between the indicated position and the actual position. ...
cmm's user avatar
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TEVO Tarantula Z-Axis Lowering Too Far After Endstop Triggered

I'm not familiar with your particular model, so this may not be directly applicable. For many printer models, a swing thru will find you a replacement z-stop switch mount that uses a ...
Carl Witthoft's user avatar
4 votes

Z-axis comes down and presses the bed while printing

When the head/nozzle assembly runs into the bed, you need to watch out for: Check for Endstop problems: Is the switch properly wired up? Is the switch working? Is the switch mounted firmly to the ...
0scar's user avatar
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4 votes

Endstops will not trigger using Marlin Firmware

try uncommenting the following lines to enable endstop detection on all pins for troubleshooting. ...
SteveP's user avatar
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3 votes

How to set Home Offsets and Manual Home definitions in Marlin correctly?

Normally you wouldn't use the MANUAL_xyz_HOME_POS at all. Home your machine. Use a caliper or ruler to measure the distance between the nozzle and the edges of the ...
towe's user avatar
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3 votes

My DIY printer only boots when all my endstops are triggered. Why is that?

From your fault description of printer logic board losing power when endstops are released it sounds to me like those endstops are shorting VCC to GND when not pressed. That the fault also goes away ...
r_ahlskog's user avatar
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3 votes

MKS board losing power after endstop installation

Have you tried plugging in the plugging the Z and/or Y end stops into the X position? This could tell you if it's actually the end stops or the board. EDIT: Also, if the Z and/or Y end stops seem to ...
Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2's user avatar
3 votes

Home E / extrude until endstop is triggered

You should be able to adapt the "Dual X Carriage" feature for your project. That allows a second print head (on the X axis) to move independently of the "main" X axis motor - and it can also be homed ...
towe's user avatar
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2 votes

Is cutting the arm off the Z-axis switch a good idea?

While I haven't seen this on a Z axis for a printer personally, there is no reason it wouldn't work, and would improve your repeatability in theory. Removing the arm on the switch is taking away the ...
Jexoteric's user avatar
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Homing a stepper motor as an extruder using E0/E1 with an limit switch and end stop

The edited question appears to mention that the actual extruders of the print head need to home / limit themselves. The answer is that this is not required. When operating direct or Bowden driven ...
0scar's user avatar
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2 votes

Unable to install auto-bed levelling sensor into my Anet A8

The sensor is working correctly, but the signal is inverted. Take the obvious solution: invert the endstop from being normally open to normally closed or vice-versa in your firmware. If you still ...
Tom van der Zanden's user avatar
2 votes

how to level kossel's endstops?

First, you should make sure that printing surface is adjusted correctly: it must be perpendicular to all three delta columns, all other adjustable parts must be checked and adjusted if necessary (...
Mikhail Z's user avatar
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2 votes

How do the MAX endstops work?

You should see MAX endstops similarly as MIN endstops, or as an additional option to protect the printer: Similarly seen as MIN endstops, you would define in the firmware that you are using them to ...
0scar's user avatar
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2 votes

My DIY printer only boots when all my endstops are triggered. Why is that?

It ended up I had like super cheap endstops that were actually shorting VCC to GND, as suspected by r_ahlskog. Just bought other ones and now it's working fine.
Cobactan's user avatar
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2 votes

Reprogram Marlin to assign endstop pins to arbitrary tasks [Arduino Mega]

Apparently, given one has already enabled USE_<AXIS>_PLUG (for example <AXIS> = XMIN) in Marlin's ...
Scrooge McDuck's user avatar
2 votes

Ender 3, why only 3 limit switches?

Because it knows the side of the build volume, all it needs to know is one physical location to home from. So knowing {x,y,z} (0,0,0), and knowing x(max) = 230, y(max) = 230, z(max) = 250, and ...
poorandunlucky's user avatar
2 votes

Ender 3, why only 3 limit switches?

You only need 3 switches to determine/fix the position of the carriage (carrying the hotend) with respect to the printer frame (for X, Y and Z i.e. 3 dimensions). Firmware setup, by defining the ...
0scar's user avatar
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2 votes

Issue with Z homing on Ender 3 Pro with Marlin

I've actually found what the issue was. It turns out that my Z steps were way out of whack (i.e. 4000 steps/mm instead of 400). Apparently, that's the default value in GitHub for version 2.0 of Marlin....
Pierre's user avatar
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2 votes

Auto Homing issue (Z-axis ignores endstop but individually homing each axis there is no problem)

For anyone looking I figured out what the issue was. Turns out that I had miswired the JST connectors coming from the switch to the board, having not double-checked and proceeding to connect wires to ...
Joseph Richards's user avatar
2 votes

How could dual end-stop switches on each axis improve the functionality and precision of 3D printers like the Creality Ender 3 V2?

First the questions in the body are addressed: I realised that there are three end-stop switches, one for each axis, X, Y, and Z. But this only helps to determine the start (0) position of each axis. ...
0scar's user avatar
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1 vote

Ender 3 - X Axis Cannot Reach True Home

The rated build space for the Ender 3 takes into account the few mm of inaccessible bed width at the Xmin side, along with a similar strip at the Xmax where the hotend carriage runs into the bracket ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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Y-min stay triggered

This MKS-GEN-L board is in essence a plain RAMPS board, and as such it uses the same pinout apart from some specific pins. Do note the include of the RAMPS pinout in the MKS-GEN-L at the end of the ...
0scar's user avatar
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1 vote

BigTreeTech mini e3 V1.2 endstop installation

You do not need to connect the red (+) wire of the endstops. The controller board uses a technique to ensure the signal is 3.3 V or ground, see the top left schematics of this link (will insert ...
0scar's user avatar
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1 vote

Tevo tarantula Z- port burnt

Assuming line 585 of Configuration.h looks like this ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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Limit Switch problems on RAMPS 1.4 and custom built 3D Printer running Marlin 1.1.0-rc6

Considering you're having issues with the board, and the limit switches appear to be registering, but the board isn't doing anything about it, a first good step would be to update the firmware to 1.1....
Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2's user avatar

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