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7 votes

Ender 3 nozzle homes off the bed in the Y axis

Many printer's X/Y endstops are not at the origin of the build plate/heated bed. In the firmware, an offset is defined from the build plate origin to the endstop locations. This is normal, nothing to ...
0scar's user avatar
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6 votes

Ender 3 nozzle homes off the bed in the Y axis

Yes, this is the "intended" behavior, as the home in relation to the physical limit position is not placed correctly about 7.5 mm into the bed in both X and Y. to correct this, please look ...
Trish's user avatar
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5 votes

How to calculate linear Y rod length for a larger replacement bed?

Basically, your setup is the following: The overhang of the bed, assuming the bearings are in the center, equals (300-105)/2 = 97.5 mm on each side. So the ...
0scar's user avatar
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4 votes

3D Printer makes steps at Y axis (in some cases)

When you describe a problem like this, it is best to describe the effect, not what you think is the cause - particularly since others then might mis-read your description. Each layer being offset in ...
Sean Houlihane's user avatar
4 votes

Anet A8 - X and Y axis not square - how to fix?

To correct x-y axis alignment to 90 degrees: Loosen the nuts on the two threaded rods at one end and in the middle. Lower the Z-axis to its lowest level. Place a square block of wood or metal so that ...
Gordon L. Scott's user avatar
4 votes

Anet A8 - X and Y axis not square - how to fix?

I recently went to the same issue on my CoreXY printer (culprit was uneven belt tension in the 2 belts), but you have a Prusa style printer like my first Anet A8 printer. If you just found out (...
0scar's user avatar
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4 votes

Ender 3 distance between nozzle and bed changing on Y-axis

Your video shows that your bed seems warped somewhat. Ammount of error As I assume you did level the bed with a sheet of paper to be 0.1 mm thick, we can estimate the change of thickness. The thickest ...
Trish's user avatar
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4 votes

Ender 3 nozzle homes off the bed in the Y axis

It is intentional for the head to start slightly off the build plate. If it did start on the build plate you could crash the nozzle when the bed is not levelled. Note the level varies with ... Ltd's user avatar
4 votes

Why is some part of the print not aligned?

This looks like your problems are lack of retraction and having the slicer's "overhangs" setting enabled. Retraction is absolutely essential when your print has layers with multiple disconnected ...
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE's user avatar
4 votes

3 vs 4 bearings for y axis travel

Ideally you would use three bearings opposed to four. In principle you will only need 3 fixtures to get a stable reference frame. Look at how most Prusa i3 "X" carriages are constructed, they also ...
0scar's user avatar
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4 votes

Why is my Ender 3 v2 knocking & misaligning for high Y?

Embarassingly, I discovered that the cable to the heatbed was sometimes caught between the on/off switch and the adjacent power plug. So, for high Y values the cable was very tight and the bed could ...
Lewis Baxter's user avatar
3 votes

Print layer shifting on Alunar M508 Prusa i3 clone

This effect is called layer shifting . Now that you know what it is called you could look at some other solutions fixing this issue; e.g. here, here or here. The answers of this question describe best ...
0scar's user avatar
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3 votes

Y-axis slipping causing failed prints

A thudding noise is usually a belt slipping through its end-restraints. A clicking noise is usually a stepper motor missing a step. Seized bearings could be the cause.
Mick's user avatar
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How to fix Y layer shift on Creality Ender 3?

You have a case of layer shift. Layer shifts happened to me in 3 ways: The movement of the axis is hindered. Check if all cables run freely and without any chance to catch! improper cable chains can ...
Trish's user avatar
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3 votes

What could be causing my y axis to slip?

Had Y axis stepping issues Solved the issue by correct pressure on the guide wheels on the Y-axis track. Too much pressure caused binding and the Y stepper motor to skip steps Hope this helps some ...
Phap's user avatar
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2 votes

Y-axis slipping causing failed prints

The issue was the X-axis top smooth rod came out. this caused the extruder to bang around and shift on the Y-axis when it shifted forward. thank everyone for their help.
user2698080's user avatar
2 votes

Prusa i3 jerking during printing

Well that is unique. I would say if you only see this after the printer has been running a while then your electronics are likely overheating. Put a fan on it and report back. Otherwise and also I ...
MakerModder's user avatar
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Layer shifting on product printing after raft support structure

Layer shifting is a result of the use of open-loop control systems. This means that the printer just instructs the head to go to certain positions without checking that it actually did arrive at that ...
0scar's user avatar
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2 votes

Drift and stuttering on prints

I shook off my laziness and disassembled the mounts holding the stepper motors and tightened the belts. After doing so the drift was resolved.
MapPeddler's user avatar
2 votes

How to fix Y layer shift on Creality Ender 3?

In addition to the other answer to complete the overview, your stepper motor may not get enough power and misses steps, increasing the current by adjusting the stepper driver voltage could also solve ...
0scar's user avatar
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2 votes

Ender 3 distance between nozzle and bed changing on Y-axis

I managed to get rid of the problem by installing a linear rail for the y-axis! Used this mod from thingyverse: There are also solutions out there which are ...
1125's user avatar
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2 votes

Visible lines along Y-axis on Ender 3 Pro

I see some possible issues at work here: Retraction issues on the arc. You might need to decrease your retraction length a little. Your bed might have a little play. tighten the eccentric nuts a tiny ...
Trish's user avatar
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2 votes

Visible lines along Y-axis on Ender 3 Pro

There are a lot of different print quality problems going on here, but the biggest I see is the bulging and sagging at the corners of each layer. This is a result of extrusion not being a zero-delay ...
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE's user avatar
2 votes

Ender 3 + SKR 1.4 + Marlin 2.0.x bugfix - what bed size/min/max positions should I use?

The Ender 3 has a printable area of 220x220x250 mm according to the specifications. So, there is nothing wrong. Sometimes heated beds are slightly larger than the actual print area. E.g. 235x235 mm or ...
0scar's user avatar
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2 votes

Y-axis on KP3S Kingroon only moves in one direction

The answer might just be replace the mother board. If I understood everything correctly there are 5 things to check to break down the problem: the motor, the cable, the stepper connection, the ...
doombringer175's user avatar
1 vote

CTC i3 Y-axis thin / no filament deposition

I can see a couple of problems in your images: Your bed is clearly and awfully unleveled. Check on Youtube some manual leveling using a paper. Though I think your problems will be solved by correct ...
Shupper's user avatar
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1 vote

What kind of problem is this? How does it correct itself?

The photos show that the problem is occurring at around the same height. It seems that at a certain Z height something is deflecting the other axis (not sure if it's X or Y) which resolves itself. I ...
user77232's user avatar
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What kind of problem is this? How does it correct itself?

All those prints are terrible compared to what my Printrbot LC v2 can do, I think you should do a full calibration of the printer cooling, temperature, extrusion factor. Anyway, the issue of layer ...
FarO's user avatar
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Ender 3 Y-Axis Stretched (I don't believe it's layer shifting)

If an axis doesn't print the sizes you command it there are basically 2 options causing this. The printer is incorrectly configured, The printer has an hardware issue. To find out which of the 2 is ...
0scar's user avatar
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1 vote

X and Y homing issues

I apologize I should have got back with you guys sooner. I downloaded a fresh copy of the Marlin firmware again and pulled up the Sprinter config.H folder. Since the firmwares are very similar I was ...
user3335963's user avatar

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